I love a game that punishes you for other peoples stupidity

Nah “its my fault” i lose games.

Not the fault of inflexible one trick Genji who thinks he can do something meaningful against this cree/brig/Junkrat comp.

Not the fault of the delusionally egotistical tank player who feeds his brains out and only uses comms to cry about no healing and no damage before declaring everyone on the team being mentally challenged.

Not the fault of the players who are incapable of understanding bare basic concepts of this game that frigging silvers let alone golds should know like not trickling or over extending past chokes without warning, or "stay on the point in OT instead of rushing off to get a kill

Nah its my fault because i can’t carry 2-3 potatoes weight in a game designed around teamwork. Such a great concept forna team based game.

Usually rounding out 17-18k healing but nope, can’t outheal stupid decisions teammates make over, over and over again.

Will the frikken Halloween event start so i can just play Junkenstein and forget how unfathomably frustrating comp and its never ending parade of morons is?


The life of a healer. I love being the only healer while the other is out DPSing.


I feel your pain man, yesterday i won a game that i literally had to bust my butt to make sure we won. I was playing the game pretty much by myself on support. We managed to 2/0 them on eichenwald. Because when it was our turn to defend i didnt die a single time on baptise (even after being dived all game). I even saved my entire team from a zarya ult into hanzo ult with immortality because they somehow let zarya flank past the shield. Supporting is hard. Need one more game to get back to plat, wish me luck.

You don’t want teammates to affect your game then don’t play team games. Go download Quake or any other solo player games.

I bet you’ll be back whining about teammates in Junkensteine when the event starts.


And I played nothing but hog last match. Throwing isn’t punished.

I’m a Mercy main who is trying to reach Diamond. Got up to 2961 and then was hit with a giant losing streak - now 2883. I’m so tired…It’s stressful because the fate of the game isn’t exactly in my hands. Sometimes I switch to Moira for some extra DPS if the DPS are terrible, but that doesn’t exactly help considering my #1 priority is healing. I don’t want to be that DPS Moira everyone hates, plus this isn’t Silver anymore - teamwork is required.

I am so tired of losing matches because the people I am healing are trash. Whether they don’t switch, don’t group up or are simply continuously getting outplayed by the enemy team, I’m the one who gets punished for it. I hate that. Oh, but it’s definitely my fault because “if you’re good enough to rank up, you should be able to solo-carry”.


I understand. Ps4 i went up to 2814 solo que then dropped to silver.

I haven’t been that unlucky and I hope I never will, but that sounds terrible. :confused:

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Yap. I was beyond irrated lol. Play moira or mercy depending on comp situations. I prefer mercy just becase rez is game changer

Yeah, I solely play Mercy or Moira too. The best part of comp for me is if there’s a particularly good DPS who I can DMG boost. I find that so fun…What rank are you now? Still Silver, or have you climbed?

I gave up on support. Tank more luck in. (Solo que ) im close to silver tank. If have good enemy reaper zen shuts it down. Orb discord strong plus 2nd strongest ability

I used to be a Tank main, but the current meta has A, made D.Va (my old main) useless, and B, made Tanking boring for me. But I used to be 625 Bronze and Tanking is what got me out of that hole and eventually to high Plat (before RQ). But I’ve also been high Plat for over a year and have had enough :stuck_out_tongue: This is the first season where I’m actively trying to climb.

But yeah, Tank is probably the best role to play to get out of the lower ranks if you aren’t a very good DPS (like me, I’m trash :stuck_out_tongue: ). Which Tanks do you play?

Dva is good where im at. I use rockets on tanks (if opportunities) also i use def matrix if needed plus i learned cancel boost early to allow it recover faster because thats your escape card. I play Dva Orisa and Sigma

I wish I could still play D.va…

Apparently Sigma is really good to master as well if you want to climb, so it’s good that you play him.

My final 7 games were forced losses. Each and every single one.

Why play a game where I’m forced to lose? Nah. I’m set. Thanks. I’d rather play games where going up or down in ranks is based entirely on my own skill, and not dependent on the Winston that refuses to swap when facing Reaper/Bast.

Dva main focus to hit the sides or at case stay with the team . She lacks shield , but is a flanker . I have many dva friends on ps4 that i watched as i was support so i observed and watched. NERF THIS ^@^ whats a forced loss?

I love games that punish people who blame teammates instead of improving themselves.

Yes, Because a game that makes your personal contribution to the team potentially meaningless because 1 or 3 of your teammates couldn’t be bothered to do the same is my fault. So tired of that troll argument “HERPA DERP IF U CAN’T SOLO CARRY IN A TEAM GAME UR JUST BAD HYUCK IM SO CLEVER”

You aren’t fooling anyone.



edit: nvm, you’re bottom barrel gold. To be fair everything works and at the same time doesn’t work there.

What ELO are you on chess? Or Tekken? I play those, those are fun.