I love a game that punishes you for other peoples stupidity

Gold is the worst rank ever tbh. It’s a mixed bag full of both good and bad players who are stuck either too high or too low…and then there are the people who belong there. Nothing works as it should XD


Except LITERALLY this.

I know you don’t get to see what the other team is saying or doing, but there’s no magic cheat code you enter on the menu to make all of the bad players go onto the other team.

There’s an equal chance that the enemy team has just as much dead weight as you do. Part of the game is being able to work with what you’re given.

If you’re just going to keep complaining about having to play with people who aren’t as good as you want them to be then I suggest you find a good single-player game because the situation won’t be any different the next time you log in.

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Its a team game.
Get 5 friends & play as a team.

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Can’t even make it out of spawn, I guess our ‘dead weight’ is just that much heavier, eh?

If you’re the type of player that supports and encourages the ‘lone wolf, solo carry I-don’t-need-a-team’ type of playstyle then congrats, you’ve helped contribute to what makes this team based game a horrible experience for many.


I hope you don’t mind if I criticize you. As someone who has gotten every role into diamond from silver, I can tell you that no matter how good you are how hard you play, you won’t win every game so don’t aim to win every game. Try your best each game but if you lose, realize your mistakes and move on. Aim to win 7/10 of your games or more. This will set your goal away from each game independently and will instead help you look at your games in total. Also, if your teammates are bad on average, you have to realize that blizzard isn’t out to get you and on average the enemy teammates are just as bad. If you think that you are doing the best you possibly can as support and you are losing about or more than half of your games on average, you probably deserve your rank. If you seriously want to rank up, I highly suggest that you go to ML7’s YouTube channel and look at his unranked to gm playlists and his vod reviews. They are extremely helpful and he is very good at explaining things.

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Bad games happen.

You shouldn’t expect to win 100% of your games, but if you are consistently better than the average player in your rank you’ll win just enough games to slowly climb.

If you seriously think you’re going to get cooperative teammates every single game you play and that they’re all going to perform really well and they’ll all play exactly the characters you want them to play then you’re delusional.

If you’re the type of player that supports and encourages the mentality that everyone in your games has to be 100% on the same page as you and it’s their fault if you lose then you’re just going to make yourself and others miserable while playing an online game.

Its team’s fault, every time.

This but I play other support and do not agree with calling them trash.

i really hate the mentality that “oh if you are good you should be to carry the team to victory most matches”

or the dumbest one I’ve heard where Platinum and below you can just carry without opening your eyes and then just bashing buttons


I hate that too, bro.
“support cant climb? how jjonak get the #1?”

btw, our fmvp of owl ranked gold in S18.

This is some damn good bait.

As Support if I play a main healer I usually get 20,000+ heals with 67% kill participation from defensive assists. Guess what? I have had nothing but losses and dropped from Plat 2700 to Gold 2100.

Last match I had 26,000+ Heals with Moira and ended up with three golds because the DPS were not skilled. Guess what? The enemy had a leaver and we still lost when they went into overtime but we could not capture the point in the second round with over 4 minutes time to capture it. As Moira I focused on heals as you can see and only did damage when I needed to refill or in self defense. Despite not using Miora as a DPS I still got nearly all golds. This is just sad matchmaking at its finest.

If our team cannot win when the enemy team has a leaver then how are we ever going to win when they are a full team? That is how my matches have been. I used to have 20+ wins and Season high and now I am lower than I have even been in all Seasons combined at Gold 2100 and now 15 more losses than wins as Support.

Then I love it when maybe 1 out of 10 matches we win so easy as the enemy team are all doing different things that don’t make any sense and easily lose. That is how my team usually is but sometimes the enemy team is like that and I can with easily with only 6,000 gold heals and then the next match easily lose with 26,000 heals. What’s the deal?

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Something folks on this forum dont want to admit: this is a team game and youll lose even if you’re doing your job right bc somebody else wasnt doing theirs. Ive gotten 20k healing and still lost because tanks wouldnt press W and DPS couldn’t get picks/refused to get off their countered hero.

Despite all the cries about DPS supports, if you want to climb as a support youll need to heal and do the DPS’s job for them. I cant get mad sr gains because i sacrifice high level healing to balance DPSing but i at least GET SR when i have to make up for a potato DPS player.


And it sucks these people are always on your team & not the enemy’s huh

Another straw argument from someone who thinks they’re clever. Yawn.

Just because the enemy has a chance of getting potatoes dosen’t nullify the problem of a team based game where teamwork is nonexistent and wins come down to luck or you ultra instincting enough ro make up for whichever potato is dragging the team down.

Got another classic to throw at me?