I lost 700 SR during Beta season

Not everyone. I didn’t. Folks that didn’t take it seriously should have done so regardless of what they assumed.

I’ve gained SR on every role during the beta and had better games. Don’t project your experience onto everyone.

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Woah woah woah, don’t say that. Next thing you know you’d defend Blizz if they were killing puppies.

reference to a response from OP to me when I disagreed with him too

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I for one am happy that you did.

However, the placement games were suspect at best.

Those of us who would have opted out of being a test subject for Blizzard wouldn’t have done so if we knew the season was basically a waste of our time.

I am all for Role Queue, but I am not for having Sigma in every damn game.

Blizzard, from what I can see, was intentionally vague at the detriment to some.

Yeah, I mean, that’s why I said what you quoted me saying XP

It really would be nice if they could be more clear, and actually communicate with us, but every time they try to, they get bombarded with either irrelevant grievances or madness. If i were them, It wouldn’t be worth the hassle tbh.

But at least we won’t have to bother with this for much longer since the beta is almost over (hopefully…) And if they ever implement it again, we know what to expect and can steer clear of misunderstandings the OP had.

Follow me on this then.

Every new hero release is granted access through Quick Play. Quick Play is the mode where players can get a feel for the new hero. The reason the hero is released in Quick Play first is so people can learn when to, and when not to use said hero. So players can get a feel for the strengths and weaknesses of said hero. All without the burden of recorded stats.

Why would we all conclude that Blizzard releasing the newest hero into the pool of competitive heroes would result in the statistical accumulation of numerical data that would be recorded. Quick Play statistics aren’t, and that’s normally where a new hero is placed.

New hero = Quick Play = no recorded stats

Why would Blizzard change that formula to

New hero = Competitive = recorded stats

if u are tank main before role Q, and u pick mostly tank

then i have bad news for you

u only win more games and have rank plat because u pick tank when your enemies have lesser chance to get tanks and go 4 or 5 dps

by picking tanks u make people go heals or even 2nd tanks
instead of 3-5 dps like alot of gold/plats do

so your team get higher chance to win because u instantlock tank in comp even though your tank skill are not actually plat, but u win alot simply because u pick tanks

now that every team will a guaranteed tank in their team, u have harder time to carry

i also had plat support main that around plat that drops to low gold because role Q, because he cant win just by picking healer anymore, u have actually play better compared to people around your rank to rank up

there will be no more we have higher chance to win because we have a tank / support but enemies dont have

Pretty sure QP MMR goes with you though.

So honestly with your logic, we should have all assumed MMR would be carrying over from beta.

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I read a post from another player who doesn’t even speak english as his native language…and he understood his MMR would be affected.

I understood what they meant. Not everyone is in this boat

You should have treated it like you do every competitive season.

As far as I can tell, and no one really has the correct answer, MMR is only carried over to Competitive from Quick Play before level 25.

That is only my assessment as I have no intrinsic information from Blizzard. But, neither does anyone else, so we are all just guessing.

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Honestly, idk. When he wasn’t in beta at first people lost their crap and with some people being able to play him and other games him just not being available, I’m pretty convinced him being available at all was a day 1 bug they opted to keep him in for data collection.

That being said, I also had a lot of people day 1 complaining at me that it was a stupid practice and he should be kept in anyway.

Frankly, they might just be doing away with that system even if I think it’s idiotic.

I actually took that green post seriously. I thought the SR/MMR data during Role Queue wouldn’t count towards Season 18

However, my thought was that even though this season doesn’t count, I didn’t think practicing a hero I’ve never played would be considerate to the rest of the team, so I still tried my hardest (shrugs)

I could see that perspective. Though its not how I would go about doing it.

With all the confusion I still only see one party to benefit from how the Beta was handled, and that’s Blizzard. No matter how people interpreted the Blog Post, the majority figured it was a blank slate season. Blizzard made no attempt to correct this misnomer. On top of that, bug or not, Sigma was able to be played in Comp. Blizzard wins in every scenario here. People like me, who aren’t really concerned about SR or rank, who just want good, fair, and competitive games would have avoided Beta season if the knowledge that it wouldn’t be erased when season 18 was activated.

Blizzard literally made giant strides to convince as many people to participate as they could, and I find it damn near impossible they didn’t know people thought the season would be wiped.

I have asked this to other people in other threads. At what point should Blizzard step in and correct misinformation?

Blizzard didn’t treat it like every other comp season yet they get a free pass? Naw your just trolling, low quality bait.

Either way, I’m not really mad. Considering part of what they were looking at in live beta was queue times, they needed as many as possible to participate so they could actually see what needed fixed. I really don’t see why anyone except throwers are mad.

People that are like “they are playing their off roles and not doing it well” blah blah, well…those people are going to do that anyway if they wanted all of their comp points.

I mean I don’t particularly care either way because I don’t do comp, but I felt more relaxed since I thought it didn’t count.

Like most people I still tried, but I wonder if I had known if I wouldn’t have bothered.

I won’t say Blizzard did the right thing by revealing that key information after this long. But what if new heroes are available in comp right after the release from now on to get more people to play the game? Especially since more people spend time in comp rather than qp? Also, there was no limits for entire week in Arcade? People could try Sigma over there without having to worry about losing anything.

As for the role que thing. Regardless of what Blizzard does, it won’t change anything. IF you dropped 700SR because of playing a tank which is difficult (not a lot of people know that Beam heroes/Doom/Winston+Ball hard counters Sigma Orisa if there’s no reaper) , they would have 0 problem getting at least 500 SR back inside 20 matches. I know because i once dropped similar with a bad losing streak where I was extremely tilted. And got it back within 2 days.

I just don’t understand what kind of benefit people would get IF Blizzard said mmr or sr won’t carry over given you’d actually spend like 3 more weeks in same boat (tanks/healers/dps not doing their job). Only issue, they should’ve said it earlier in clear and straightforward way. Like there won’t be any mmr reset or anything of that sort.

But if someone thought: role que beta is just quickplay+ lawl, they also go into qp saying: chill out bro, it’s just quickplay when they want to have fun. When they want to win,they want others to take qp seriously. That’s my problem.

I don’t play qp in general. But if I do and there are new people in my team or enemy team (not smurf), I won’t go full berserk mode because it’s not fun to spawncamp new players who bought the game and want to have fun. If they are trying to win, I’ll pick something to try and win. But I saw tons of people smurfing on sigma in qp (level 3-10, knowing maps) after he came out. But well, that’s a different topic.

People are mad becase they thought the amount of trolling they did for entire 14 days won’t matter because it’s just qp+ bro.

I mean in what would would you expect them to not use 3 weeks worth of games to help ensure people are where they should be?

Not using these games to judge MMR would be irresponsible and just elongate the period where the ladder is wrong

If they didn’t make him available in comp, how many of the tanks do you think would actually que for tank during role que beta? They’d go for qp (I bet at least 30%) which would negatively impact initial que time which is already long for dps (it took me like 5 hours to complete my dps placements and most often than not I give up waiting and que for tanks/support).


Brand new system, getting it’s first data. You expect them to throw it all out.


They get a free pass because it’s a new system, their game and at the end of the day it’s just a bunch of whiny people griping about losing some digits on a meaningless number.

Just play the game and you’ll end up back where you were for crying out loud.

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I wouldn’t play the season where a new hero was released directly into Competitive mode.

Time yes, players no. Competitive is where people spend the most time as matches are generally twice as long, but more people queue for Quick Play. I have no citation, its what has been posted in the forums before. Not sure if its changed, but I don’t think so.

Not now. It would have changed where I spent my time in the game. I have no want to play in Competitive with the release of a new hero. Not unless the season in question is to be deleted. As of right now, it isn’t.

People like me wouldn’t have wasted our time in the game. I have no want to provide Blizzard with data. Specifically data that I don’t find relevant, again I wouldn’t play a season with a new hero being placed in Competitive right out the gate.

I am mad because if I would have known from the beginning I would have done something else, or played Quick Play.