I lost 700 SR during Beta season

yes, they should have waited a full 2 week period before releasing sigma into COmp. They should always do this for every hero release.

this affected people on console the most because we dont even have access to him on the PTR

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“Role Queue Beta”

I dont see the word “competitive” anywhere in there.

And it’s not unreasonable for people to think it wouldn’t be treated like a traditional competitive season… because it’s not one.


That has absolutely no bearing on the conversation. You still had access to the internet and access to the original blog post that was linked in that thread. You had access to social media where it was never stated it didn’t count. You had access to YouTube where there was a Dev update that laid out the beta season and never said it wouldn’t count.

Don’t blame blizzard for your own inability to fact check, even more so when the source was provided to you.

Funny I climbed faster on Sigma than I ever did during bunker meta.

If you can’t climb back up, you probably deserve your new SR and your old SR was inflated.


COmp was called " role que beta" not “competitive”

they releaseed sigma straight into comp, which has never been done before.

I have never seen a MOBA game release a hero straight out of PTR and straight into COMP. You just dont do that, ever, never.

we can dis agree all we want, but it still doesn’t change the fact that most of the community thought that BETA was a test season only with no bearing on future seasons, which was all over the forums/reddit, and no dev made a correction till now on the issue.

Funnily enough, I had a blast on my tank placements with him. Either playing as him or with him.

3 wins (1 as Orisa), 1 loss, 1 draw.

Cool, except you were given a competitive rank and competitive points for playing.

Good thing this isn’t a MOBA.

We’re going to solely because you wouldn’t have received real season rewards if it wasn’t a real season. You can believe a single persons miscommunication all you want, but Blizzard themselves never even implied it wouldn’t count so we are always going to disagree on this matter.

Devs have made a big mistake because they should have clarified from the beginning. A lot of people asked about this (myself included) many times here and on Reddit.
We got an answer only a few days before the end of the season.

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OW is a moba game (Multi online battle arena) , its just a different genre of moba.

Wait, so you were trying to learn a new hero in comp, while frequenting the forums and know there entire groups of people throwing in protest and are mad at Blizzard?

I am a high plat tank main, with or without good team mates I can carry myself if I even drop to low plat and get called a smurf… I have to actively try to lose to stay 200sr below my hard stuck level…

This just means you arn’t as good of a tank as you though and that you made poor choices of hero/time to play…

I know what a moba is and overwatch is not that

sigma is the hardest hero in the entire game to learn, not to mention that he is not that strong (id say maybe balanced post next PTR, though could argue for buffs).

I played in comp because I thought it was QP plus, so did everyone else.

But you are right, i did make a poor choice on time to play,thats my fault, but you cant really blame me as most people thought the beta was just a test season with no bearing on future comp seasons.

Well, it is no one’s fault that you didn’t thought of taking it seriously but tbh all rank should have been reset with the introduction of the 222.

I’m a dva main , i play to win, i even take QP serious.

Soooo… what was the issue?

They said they were already tracking different role sr for players for a few seasons now to get accurate read on placements.

They never once mentioned sr would rest. They never once mentioned it didn’t matter.

We knew sr is kept track of during all tbe seasons and is roled over to the next. We knew a hard sr rest was never going to happen. As they mentioned many times it would mess up the game.

It’s the communitys fault they believed it meant nothing.

It’s not blizzards fault, its yours, bud.

If you lost you’ll climb, if you lost but dont climb = you belong there.

On my alt, i lost far more sr bc of roleq being “Beta”. was down to gold, easiest games of my life and i climbed right back up.

I do believe they should’ve been more clear but i knew exactly what they meant. comp isn’t a practice mode no matter what, beta or not.

One major flaw with that is Blizzard’s god awful balance. If I’ve consistently climbed into Diamond on Pharah, Bastion, and Junkrat, then why have I fallen into Plat and Gold the past 3 seasons due to extensive nerfs and power creep? I’ve played comp since S3, so what excuse are you going to regurgitate now?

The devs never told you that. They said, “beta season stats will only be available for a limited time and will not count toward a player’s permanent Competitive Season stats”.

I also seem to recall a quote specifically saying that stats would be ‘removed from the player profile’, but I can’t seem to find it now. Hmmmm. Having heard that said though, contributed to the way I interpreted the above quote.

In any case, they did not say it wouldn’t affect MMR, and when people claimed that they had said that, a number of us pointed out that they had not actually said that in so many words and that we did not think that they meant that.

I want to point out also, that they have not said that your Beta MMR will be your starting MMR for Season 18 (which I think is the big fear here). They have said the results of your Beta matches “will be used by the matchmaking systems to help determine your skill.”

I hope this means that they will re-calculate your starting per-role MMR including all your history, so that your end of S17 matches count just as much as your beta matches. It is still possible though that they do intend to just use end-of-Beta MMR as your S18 starting MMR… I hope not, but while what they said isn’t exactly that, it also doesn’t exactly rule it out.