I loathe 5v5 with a passion

We had plenty of tanks before the Overwatch 1 tank exodus where the DPS players whined for changes until all of the tanks left.

I’m talking specifically about OW2 right now. The matchmaking feels bad in general and doesn’t matter if I wait 2 or 20 minutes, the quality is the same. So why would I play the role that gives me long queues XD

OW1 matchmaking was better and SR system was infinitely better. I still wouldn’t queue for 20 minutes average on dps, I would go nuts.

Stricter how?

You have me curious.

I hated the old system and have a post about it back then.

To summarize.

I hated that i could win 7 games and gain maybe 50 sr and lose 2 and lose 70 sr.

Thats why i hated the old system.

You still can gain less rank per win than you lose, you just don’t feel it because you are can’t track it that easily. But I absolutely had moments where I gained more rank percentages for the same record (for example 5-3) one time than another. Game still uses MMR to find matches. It probably still gives you higher mmr gains if you win high elo lobby than low elo lobby. SR just made it easy to track your rank in real time

I hate open queue whether its 5v5 or 6v6. Mainly cos of the tank HP nerfs. For example Doomfist and JQ barely having more HP than DPS Bastion which has 300. When it was 6v6 it was because everyone just played what they wanted and no one wanted to play supports.

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Unfortunately, 5v5 role lock is where you get all your battle pass XP and ranking.

5v5 belongs in Arcade, just like Push and Flashpoint. Every new signature mode or map that came out in OW2 is some alternate universe that does not belong in the base game.

He talked about it around the period when they added the experimental card they were adding.
There where a serious 7v7 discussion and asks from player to try bigger teams on the forums at the time and he explained that the game (ow1 at the time) was calibrated to 6v6 and the engine wouldn’t be able to bear 14 players at the same time without problems. He explained why they settled on 6v6 and he mentionned then that 5v5 and other numbers were not healthy for the fights.

Too lasy to find the topic, but if you really want to, go ahead.

They’ve literally had to completely rework and destroy several heroes entirely in a failed attempt to make this shirt work.

I’m so over it, The game keeps getting worse.


I honestly wish that 5v5 was the base format in ow1, because 1 tank is better than 2. Blizzard handled the change so poorly, instantly some heros were broken, they could have made the change much more smooth.

I’m genuinely curious to know what the numbers would look like in a poll between 6 vs. 6 and 5 vs. 5.

Imagine they threw a prompt up when you logged in, and it said, Do you prefer 6 vs. 6 or 5 vs. 5?

The ruckus it would cause when the majority of players chose 6 vs. 6 :joy:

6 vs. 6daway🗿


…a well thought out response using logic on the Blizz forums - how dare you! These forums are only used to whine about how ah-mazing 6v6 was (it wasn’t, not by a long shot), crying to nerf (insert random OW character name here) and how ah-mazing Jeff was for the game (for those of us who played ret paladins in WoW in the early years, we secretly rejoice he is no longer in charge of this game).

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You get plenty of bpass xp in non role queue modes too. Tho if thats all people are after, I think vs ai is the fastest after challenges are done. Also push is my fav game mode, and I think flashpoint is alright too. Playing defense in payload and hybrid are the worst imo.

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Nothing exciting, I’m afraid. I just mean that the matchmaker would be blind to roles, it’d be more able to grab players at a similar rating to each other unlike now, where it’s forced to make compromises and as a result we get lobbies with an, um, “interesting” range of ability.

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Gaining BP XP is vastly faster in QP than any other mode, and some weekly challenges of require it.

Once I get as far as the rewards I want, usually just to level 80, I never play QP again the entire rest of the season. I also leave Flashpoint and Push at setup all the time, regardless of BP progression, but obviously that is more about personal taste than anything.

AI is faster than qp because of instant queues and always winning, games are like 5m max for 1200+ xp. But I am unsure why we are even talking about any of this.

6v6 wouldn’t solve the issue of burst damage. You’d just have 2 Tanks to yell at for running Roadhog/Junker Queen into a burst comp instead of one.

It clearly isn’t impossible. But if it needs to be easier, this is a 5v5 balance issue. It’s a weird leap to want to completely upend the entire game because you perceive Tanks to be a little weak in 5v5. There are far simpler solutions.

This is your first point again. Again, 6v6 doesn’t fix this. Burst damage has been an issue for years. Snipers were the top Damage picks even during Double Shield.

This is subjective, although I do agree with you. However, raising the TTK doesn’t require a move to 6v6 and moving to 6v6 doesn’t guarantee this, either. Instead, the TTK against Tanks would need to be lowered in 6v6.

I see way more Tank variety in 5v5 than 6v6. 6v6 Tank metas were incredibly stale and hard to shift without nerfing one (or both) into the ground.

My hot-take is that the Rock-Paper-Scissors thing is overstated. The Tank playerbase simply good at enough Tank heroes to be able to swap between a bunch of counters and play them well. If someone is counterswapping you, they’re either better than you (in which case they win) or they’re playing a hero they’re bad at (in which case, the swap is worthless).

Countering Tanks with damage picks (and vice-versa) is a far more effective strategy. You see this in high level play where the Tank picks are mostly mirrored.

In any case, no-one is pretending that 5v5 balance is perfect. That doesn’t mean that moving to 6v6 doesn’t with its own host of well-known issues or that 6v6 would even solve any of the current balance issues.

There is no logical reason to believe that new players would just naturally gravitate towards the Tank role when that has never happened at any other point in the game’s life. This is fantastic wishful thinking.

Let’s go back to 2018/2019. GOATS is the meta. Tanks are strong. TTK is high. New Tank heroes have been released recently. Tank is still the least popular role in the game.

Cool, you solved Orisa+Sigma. What about Orisa+Ramattra? The next 3 Tanks to be released?

In any case, discussions about balance are basically irrelevant because at that point, we may as well just discuss balancing 5v5.

There were balance changes happening to the Tank role from 2019-2021. No-one became more interested in it.

There were still fewer Tank players than there are Damage or Support players, even when the Tank role was new and shiny in OW2. It was just bottlenecked by the number of slots on a team.

Broadly, people don’t want to play Tank. We have been told this over and over.

Cool, how many of then would be happy to see the massive Tank nerfs that would be necessary in a shift back to 6v6?

I was sceptical of 5v5 when it was announced. And I still think Blizzard need to follow-up on their own statements about addressing mobility and burst damage, like they did with CC. But overall, I see way more hero variety in 5v5. It feels healthier for the game.

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That is a STRAIGHT LIE. The switch to 5v5 didnt happen until Aron Keller became director. I distinctly remember this because there was absoluty NO DEVS were talking or hinting at it. The announcement came straight from Aron after Jeff left on one of his blogs. Jeff never once not ONCE entertained the 5v5 switch, They did a 1.3.2 experimental, and decided it was not good and that was that. The only “THING” I could think of was a 5 person team for PVE but the amount for the “teams” on PVE could vary if you went off released events. But a switch to 5v5 under jeff wasnt going to happen.


Go back and watch the Blizzconline 2021 footage. It’s all 5v5.

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