I loathe 5v5 with a passion

“I want the game to be slower and more forviging”
Yeah thats what you are saying if you hate 5v5. Unironically, most of the matches due to how spawn and tricking works, are fought in 5v5 and 4v4 but we all know some people can’t take it.

6v6 solved nothing, it just added more “safe space” for people that didn’t know how to properly play an FPS game.

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I prefer 1 tank. You really feel like you actually have a purpose now as a tank, instead of just being an honorable dps.

Or i just want to play ball and be useful

The other roles also have a passive now. Regardless, whether we’re talking about 5v5 or 6v6, I’d remove all role passives and just give every hero out of combat health regen (kind of like Sombra’s out of combat conditions). Something like 15 health per second if you don’t deal damage or take damage for 3 seconds. This would be a much weaker version of the current support passive, but for all heroes.

It’s not hard to do this kind of change.

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Who’s crying? :joy:


actually, this isnt the case at all

I greatly prefer 6v6 over 5v5 and it is not about the speed of the game at all

well, why? I prefer 5v5, as it allowsme to actually play tank, and feel like imdoing something helpful. Before, tanks wree just like honorable dps to me.

Idk man, sitting in queue for around the same time as match itself is a quick way to make me not want to play anymore. I don’t care if supports are broken, I’m not going to sit 15-20minutes in queue for them. I didn’t play much of dps in ow1 for the same reason, queues were ridiculous.

I watch 6cyx and I see him queue dps when he sees 20 minutes queues for tank as well (top 20 issue, his dps is lower ranked so it’s faster). In general sitting in extremely long queues for many people is a big turn off. As addicted as I’m to Overwatch, I’m not gonna spend half of my playtime in queue, it just blows. Funny thing is, those 20 minutes queues don’t give me better matches either. I had stomps with 20 minute queues and had decent games with 30s queues. It’s pure random, so I will gladly take shorter queues because it’s the only constant I see where less time spend = better.

to you, sure

many other players, myself included, prefer more than one tank


Playing Overwatch for the first time in 2 years and 5v5 feels better by a lot. Each encounter and pick is more impactful.

1 tank and fewer/weaker barriers on maps with more natural cover were good choices.

Low mobility supports like Zen and Ana are much harder to play without the extra tank to protect them though but I’m still overall pleasantly surprised by how different the battles now feel.

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but why? Like, I prefer one tank because I feel useful, why do you like 2 tanks?

that’s not even balance issue, but comepletely other department

5vs5 is pathetic. Zoomers will never know the joys of 6vs6 OG days, lmao.


Maybe I’m weird but queues don’t bother me. If anything 1 minute queues are annoying since there’s no down time.

For each game there is different expactation of acceptable queue. If the game lasts for 60 minutes, waiting 10-15 minutes is more reasonable than if you wait that long for a game that lasts 10-20 minutes. It’s all relative imo. It’s not a hot take to say that you want to play the game, not sit in queue for the game. But if it’s necessary for a decent match to occur then you have to manage your expactations properly. Personally I’m more on the side of faster queues for slightly less balanced matches. I don’t want stomps, but I don’t want to spend half of my gaming time in queue either.

The flip side being that having fast queues but terrible matches is even worse than sitting in queue for that time. At least in my opinion :man_shrugging:

15 minutes is ok for me.

If the matches were perfectly balanced after 15 minutes then maybe I would agree. But they aren’t, I find them pretty much equal to my 2 minute queues.

It would go a long way if they stopped making boneheaded tank changes. Dva used to be one of the most popular characters in the game before they gutted her.

I found the matches more balanced in OW1 when I was waiting 15 minutes.

It’s even worse than that, it basically feels like the tanks are completely inconsequential. You basically just have to protect your support, whatever supports go down first, lose.