I loathe 5v5 with a passion

Just give us a second tank. Or make the main mode open queue. 5v5 is a failure.


they are trying to balance 5v5, but now the matches are even more one-sided than they were at the start of overwatch 2.


Iā€™m indifferent between 5v5 or 6v6. Both have their problems. As for wanting more than 1 tank, you mentioned the option, play more open queue.


Me too

Long live 6v6


Every balance change is implemented to suit how 5v5 is being played out. Unfortunately, the devs arenā€™t exactly aware of the bigger picture and itā€™s only making it worse over time. This train ainā€™t stopping boiz.


As I said in another thread, 6v6 is dead and not coming back. We are 7 seasons in to 5v5. It is much too late to go back now.


As much as I preferred OW1 and 6 v 6. I know as a fact that the balancing team will fail regardless of this game being 5 v 5 or 6 v 6.

As an ex-crusader for the 6 v 6 march, I am tired and weary. I have given up. The only hope we have is if Microsoft somehow poops out miracles and structural changes within Blizzard somehow fixes things on the developer side.


Would be great if Open queue didnā€™t have 10+ minute queue times. I close the game before I find a lobby. Certainly doesnā€™t help having ADD.

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They went 5v5 not because they wanted it but because they needed it. Iā€™m pretty sure they know 5v5 is going to fail no matter what, since thereā€™s no way to properly balance it, but this game doesnā€™t have enough players to go back to 6v6.

And thatā€™s one of the biggest proofs that this game is a failure.


5vs5 blows chunks , 100% with you

Bring back 6vs6 and give my Sombra teleport back


Here comes IShineDoYou with another patented ā€œI hate 5v5ā€ spam post.

I wonder what the context of this one is going to be?

They hate 5v5? Who wouldā€™ve thought! Surprises me every time.


I swear I remember hearing Jeff or some other dev say in a video years ago that they had tested all kinds of game formats including 5v5 and they settled on 6v6 being the best. It stuck out to me because it made me appreciate the care the og devs put into the game. Iā€™ve started watching old dev updates but havenā€™t found the clip. Anyone else remember? Iā€™m shocked it hasnā€™t been brought up in discussion about 5v5 now but maybe it was removed from ow youtube or maybe it was a more obscure comment at blizzcon or something?! Maybe I dreamt it all up, but I donā€™t think soā€¦


Itā€™s insane how stubborn theyā€™ve been with this.
They clearly ainā€™t bringing it back, a small hint of this (I think) is how small Control points have been. Compare Samoa and Ant. Peninsula cap points with Lijiang and Ilios. Much bigger areas to stand on and fight.

Maybe a lack of wanting to admit theyā€™re wrong.
Game feels like a TDM/DM/FFA, bully the tank fiesta.

Even in Open Q where you can have multiple, you need 2 of the higher HP ones, if not you need 3.

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Iā€™d love to know where you think all the extra tanks 6v6 would need are going to come from.


I really miss OW1 lately. I used to be a tank main and loved the role and characters. But I just cannot play it in OW2 thereā€™s just too much pressure on one person and you get countered constantly. Thereā€™s no relief from that like in OW1 where the second tank shared the burden.


The queues are probably better than ruining the matchmaking and inflating ranks to artificially force ā€œfastā€ queues since people still donā€™t want to play tank in 5v5.


Anyone could see it would be from the start. But they had to have something to justify the ā€œ2ā€ seeing as by that point they already knew PvE would be cancelled.

I donā€™t see how a team game which relies so heavily on one single player will ever be balanced. Especially in a game where matchmaking is heavily influenced by queue times. If you get the ā€˜badā€™ tank, itā€™s very hard to win, and losing your personal skill rating due to the lack of skill of one player makes the game even more toxic than it was before. Going back to 6v6 now though would be like them admitting failure, even though it would be better for the game in the long term, I doubt it will ever happen.


5v5 will never be truly be balanced by the mere fact that thereā€™s only 1 tank.
If either team gets tank diffed itā€™s a lopsided match no matter what.


Iā€™d rather the devs try something that will help the queue time/match quality problem than something that we already know will fail.

But if thatā€™s not going to happen, give OQ modes their own, stricter, matchmaker. Let me have the choice between a better matchmaker with the downsides of OQ versus the awful matchmaker and the comforts of RQ.

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From the tank players that quit after the horrors of solo tanking was forced on the.