I like the Sombra changes

Reload bug has finally been fixed! Other changes, not set on but at least Sombra changes are being iterated on.


This is a joke, right?
So let me get this straight. After a ton of negative feedback, and multiple T500 players (alongside the entire community) telling you these changes are bad, you did the following:

  • Reverting one of the nerfs you added, making it sound like this is now a bonus
  • Made a change that I think again, nobody or very few people asked for. It’s really not that hard to aim at your TL to destroy it… This isn’t even really worth mentioning…
  • Reverted a minor change that shouldn’t have been there in the first place
  • Added functionality that literally everyone already expected to be there, and most honestly probably assumed was a bug
  • Finally added ONE community request that is by all accounts a minor detail

In doing all of this, you’ve failed to address literally 90% of the complaints on the forum. I mean, are you even reading the feedback? Did you watch the interviews with t500/pro players about how this is a terrible idea? I swear to god it’s like you guys aren’t even listening.



These are a MAJOR step in the right direction!!!

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Stealth isnt all that strong. Yeah it is good for flank, but without a timer, we will have to learn to weigh the stealth vs time wasted waiting for a good opportunity.


Fitzy i know the reload cancel was important to you, but its still a nerf overall and you know it.


There’s a difference between not being happy and having the thing you love most in a game being crushed right infront of you while you’re screaming for it to stop and the people doing it don’t listen to you.

It’s a massive difference between being happy and losing your only reason you continue to play this game.

It’s a massive difference when the hero that’s perfect to counter this meta is completely bugged and is now getting a near complete rework for next to no reason when all that was needed was hack bug fixes.

It’s completely different when you tell someone to just make a hill to put a sand castle on and they go and make a moat for the castle in the position where it’s vulnerable to be destroyed by the tide.

It’s such a bad thing at this point.


Almost like they want you to play differently, given the infinite cloak thing. Mayb trying to force it into the old way of playing is the issue


I am thankful that the Sombra changes on the PTR are being evaluated and adjusted. The aspects you’re currently working on are steps into the right direction in my opinion.

But still, I think that her core ability, her hack, is barely getting attention right now. It is still bugged and considered to be unreliable in team fights. Are there also any changes planned for Sombra’s hack?


We really need to meet in the middle with the movement speed changes, 60-65% couldn’t be that big of a change could it… and 1.5 second reload is still big


The point of a rework is to not change the way someone is played unless it’s very minor. These changes do literally next to nothing for good or above average sombra players, or players in general.

These changes actually hinder these players.


I’m still not sold on these changes to stealth. Infinite duration to stealth adds nothing to her kit but increased downtime, at the expense of stealth actually being useful in fights.

I genuinely would like to know why the dev team wants to slow down Sombra’s gameplay? In what conceivable way will this make her more viable? She’s a flanker, not an observer.


Just because the pros “ruined” her last rework doesn’t mean that it’s a screwup this time (and it was a meta-based era back then that ‘made sense’ for her to get nerfed).

Every single freaking time someone goes “b-b-but Hanzo isn’t OP with storm arrow” in the high plat/low diamonds, how many people facepalm themselves? The changes are a nerf at high-level gameplay, face it.

Is the new way more effective? Has anyone ever said “hey Sombra, can you just chill out behind the other team for 60 seconds and not do anything besides tell us where enemies are”?


Name one rework that did not overhaul the character it happened to

just waiting for her gun to be good lol

I’d take the live version of Sombra over this and that speaks volumes.


It’s not about a middle grounds or compromising. +75% is just enough to make a specific set of jumps across many maps. Any slower is simply not good enough. It’s either 75% or it might as well be any random number.


All thi QOF are good but

Geoff NO ONE asked for infinite invisibilty its much more better to contest and 75% speed than invisibility forever , please consider reverting this .


Jupp, finally! Little progress is still progress, I guess. :slight_smile: But you’re right… Still a long way to go with Sombra, though…

can’t we just test the 75% speed? Or give her like 10 seconds instead of infinite?