I like the Sombra changes

Still this makes it less of a nerf but still a nerf.


I wish i could share in that feeling… :confused:

I’ll only ever feel this way if they address Bastion.


Oh, I guess I got mixed up with Wrecking ball because his LControl is Piledriver and LAlt is my teleport. But i think it should be the same general idea.

How about 75% speed for 5-10 seconds that diminishes down to the 50%? That way she can use it to scout ahead or a burst to escape trouble, but not permanent high speed.


Again this is a step in the right direction but its like a buff to nerfs but its still a nerf over all lol. :confused:


It’s a good start, maybe they could just make invisibility longer and have it contest again along with the original speed boost coming back or maybe a little less than original speed boost since it’s longer.


I will remain cautious, but it IS nice to know that you guys did decide to change things around before pushing this to live.

The 75% reduction does suck, but it is nice to know that I will be less likely to be deteced. Also good that the enemy sound cue is lowered.

Will the translocator remain at 5 hp? I noticed it was easily destroyed but once again that could be due to the soundcue.

It will be interesting to test these changes out. One thing I am REALLY excited for is the interruptible reload with hack.

Sombra seems to be a nice counter for Hammond now.


Its reverting some nerfs. These arent buffs except for the hack canceling the reload.
Countering Hammond even harder doesnt make sense since a regular hack or EMP already screws him over.


Have you considered upping the movement speed to +55% or +60%? Are we to expect more bugfixes coming up?



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What if when Sombra stands on the objective when cloaked, her current 6 Second Timer will start that way she can only contest for 6 Seconds before she’s taken out of Stealth like normal.

(Stepping On/Off the point does NOT reset the timer.)

I like these changes you’ve listed!, and I’m fine with not having 75% Extra Movement Speed, but not being able to contest is a REALLY harsh nerf.


Make her translocator invincible again to enemy dmg and make it so that contesting reveals her after 5 seconds. This way you can revert the contest nerf.

I dont understand why the worst hero atm needs any kind of nerfs at all. As it is this will make her weaker overall still. She doesnt get stronger, just easier to play for newcomers.


Thanks based Geoff. Any chance of lowering the transition time or adjusting the mechanics so Sombra can use stealth more reliably in combat (especially as an escape)? Since she can’t contest while stealthed on PTR, is there a continuing reason that getting dust in your eye drops stealth?


Thank you! I can make this work. My biggest concerns were the radius and the loudness of the translocator. Thank you also for hearing fitzy’s recommendation for cancel reload for hack


When you need to make buffs work and play around it. #justSombrathings

“We are never happy”


50% move speed buff is hardly anything dude.

Literally goes from 5.5 to 8.25 meters per second. Still not a lot and not enough to get over many of the gaps to come from unexpected places.

The issue is the speed change makes her easier to spray down. On live, she’s very mobile and maneuverable. On the PTR, she’s clunky and feels sluggish. She used to be able to keep up with most mobility heroes this way. Now she’s sluggish and if a hero has a movement ability, especially if it’s on a low cooldown, it’s extremely hard to keep up.

Not to mention that all it takes is 4 enemies to go on the objective or just one enemy that doesn’t have to reload to spam at ground level to get Sombra uncloaked.

Atleast while you were contesting while invisible, they knew where you were, which was enough of a counter to the ability to contest while invisible.

Lots of this needs changing. But this is a step in the right direction.


Buff her in every aspect just dont give to her perma “stealth” that is a free ticket to Flank. Flanking should ask for skills and speed =/


I wonder if this has anything to do with the Fitzy interview uploaded to Overwatch central the other day


Wait, why?

Looking at the translocator was a good thing – it allowed players to spam the interact button as they approach a teleporter to teleport as soon as possible without worry of losing the translocator unless the translocator was somehow behind the teleporter entrance.

Why’d you change that?