00:56 That’s possible but very hard. And if you miss you lose so much time
I can appreciate revisiting her to make sure she’s in a good spot. I hope that you can continue to do that.
But I have to ask, or at least express my concern:
Why couldn’t you have just done this? Why did you need to mess with translocator and stealth? I appreciate you being able to revert some of these back and adding something, but it doesn’t change the fact that these stealth and translocator buffs do not add anything for a lot of Sombra players.
We still lost speed and being able to contest objectives, while gaining incredibly little from the buffs to translocator and stealth. My hope is that you are at least willing to revisit the idea of reverting these and adding something else.
Not realy to a lot of the fun of sombra was the limmited time and the planing and if your play accualy works that was a lot of fun now you can just kinda act out of reactons
Its definitely a step in the right direction! Contesting the point isn’t an overall necessity, and speed is negligible but still feels weird. Fitzyhere had a cool idea about messing with her reload speed, or even reloading upon use of her translocator? I mean, her reload time is pretty standard, so maybe the latter? The character’s flow and ability to stay in the midfight, or follow up on kills, is really my only concern when it comes to her kit.
Oh my God this is amazing thank you.
It is so incredible that you guys actually paid attention to the community and listened to us, it truly makes me very glad to be a Blizzard consumer (Ive been playing pretty much every game u have for nearly a decade now!)
I still think Sombra needs better mid-fight stuff, really anything would help her at this point.
Her main problems happen during team fights. The devs could’ve make hack more consistent (Increase damage threshold, fix bugs) and/or added a slight damage increase from Sombra to hacked targets (Like a 15% dmg increase for 3 seconds only from Sombras gun to the hacked target). Or they could have just made her weapon a little better, or her reload a little faster.
Still, thank you so much for listening and being understanding, its truly appreciated
If you can add a secondary ability to use while in stealth to give the ability to contest and the +75% speed for the same duration as stealth on live servers, with the drawback of not being able to re-activate them until you exit stealth, then I think that would be fair.
Give us the same power to be effective with our cooldown management and stealth duration but makes her more accessible.
I don’t see why they would need to stay hacked for any longer than every other target would stay hacked. Kinda lame for one ability to be specifically better against one hero, that’s actually pretty bad design
Yeah honestly the buffs dont do a lot for me. I can see a very small amount of scenarios where they would actually be useful… This is mainly cause they focus on stuff that wasn’t even a problem before. Sombra is great out of fights, and thats where she lacks/needs buffs. Im still happy they listened to us tho
It’s already present with Torbjorn turret and Symmetra turrets. Because automatic turrets =/= people.
Wasn’t it Danteh? Or did they do another one with Fitzyhere?
They make Sombra more accessible. I can appreciate that.
But they don’t make her do her job better. At all.
Danteh did an interview with Your Overwatch, and Fitzy did one with Overwatch Central.
I really do think the overall intention was to lower Sombra’s skill floor, and not to be a full rework in the process. Maybe they believed that’s why her pick rate, well… is what it is? When in actuality it’s her kits inability to stay in the midfight and get value out of hack.
They could just lightly make her faster (her base speed) to counter that
I agree with that. But in doing so, they’ve also reduced her skill ceiling IMO.
Contesting objectives, especially payloads, was so monumentally important.
Ah thanks, gonna watch it now!
Buffing dmg wouldnt be right her dmg is alright sure she cant be used in the currend meta but thats because brigitte high healing and the burst dmg hanzo widow zaria and brigitte can to she just is to easy to kill with these so nerfing Brigittes healing and shutdowns and Hanzos ult would help her more maybe buff her teamplay (make hack more consitand etc.)?
Danteh actually talked about that. lmao.
If they want her to be sneaky, they can’t keep letting her get dinked out of stealth by a stray bullet from across the map.
I genuinely hope they are listening to pro players like Fitzy and Danteh. Especially Fitzy. Homeboy is a QA tester lol.