I kinda want a symmetra revert

uuuh she didn’t become any easier tho. tp as an on demand to cast ability opened up a lot for the sym player to do, a lot more to optimise on because she has opportunities to grab for herself like the other dps heroes rather than just wait for them being handed to her. Legitimately, tp on demand to cast dialed up the pace and needed flexibility/on-the-fly-planning old sym had for sym3.0 to do well. And that’s my point this entire time. My point about aim is a side and obvious one.

That’s not making sym easy. sure it’s easier than unrealistic standards being imposed on her old kit (i.e. trying to kill when she’s so disadvantaged to doing so or trying to provide enough supporting value to justify taking a healer slot when she can’t realistically in OW), but sym3.0 before infinite tp was not easy and had much more complexity because she had to actually go out and do things actively.

like if you’re going to still say “oh sym 3.0 is easy mode because they brought up her power level to be more in line with the other dps” then you might as well go ahead and say “a hero with 1hp and 1dps with no utility or movement is the best hero kit design ever because it’s impossibly hard to do well with it” while you’re at it ._.

Symmetra’s tp when she was reworked was for her survivability, mobility and flanks, not to be a taxi for her teammates. When it was reworked to a 2.0 knock off, it made it so much clunkier to use for its new function as its cooldown starts as you destroy it with no reduction to cooldown if the player destroys it like torb’s turret does, and that’s on a shorter cooldown than teleporter anyway (turret is 10, teleporter is 12).

Previously, the teleporter essentially had a 2 second cooldown. The cooldown started as it was deployed, and it lasted 10 seconds before self destruction. So that’s 10 seconds of usage if its placed correctly and smartly, and a 2 second down time, then a brand new teleporter ready for deployment. And if going back to a more flexible and versatile teleporter is making her less viable, I don’t even know what to tell you.

To address your point on her being a ‘low skill high reward’ hero, Symmetra 2.0 required skill just like every other hero, just not in the same way. Sure she didn’t need to aim, but she needed strategy and more game sense and a tactful veiw of the battlefield that most other heroes could get away with not having. Where can I place my tp/disco ball where the enemy can’t find it? What are the most common flank routes? Should I group my turrets around my ult, or spread them out across the point? Should I use photon barrier to engage, disengage, or to cover a teammate/tp or disco ball? Just because a hero doesn’t (or didn’t) require aim doesn’t mean their skilless/brainless. It just means their skill lies elsewhere in their decision making and tactics over lining up the perfect shot. Rein, brig, Winston, mercy and moira are such heroes. Are they skilless too, like Sym 1.0 and 2.0, for not needing pin point accuracy?

Agreed to this 100%.

  1. I never said Symmetra was a brainless hero. Even though she had an extremely low skill floor, her skill ceiling certainly used to be surprisingly elevated.
  2. I’ve truly gotten bored of people trying to excuse “low skill = high reward” heroes such as Symmetra 2.0 just by saying that “they require other types of skill sets such as positioning, game since, etc.”

Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but every single hero requires skill sets such as the ones above, but at the same time while requiring aim and while having much more difficult - to - pull - off and low - value abilities. Some heroes certainly require more game sense and positioning skill from the player than others, Symmetra 2.0 maybe being one of them, but that still in no way excuses her ridiculous stats and value out put as noted by the stats themselves.

  1. You brought as examples heroes such as Reinhardt, Winston, etc. to support your view on the subject, but here’s why your examples hold very little value;

Reinhardt: Even as a Reinhardt main myself, I have to agree that Reinhardt, even though a hero with extreme game sense and positioning prerequisites, can certainly seem as “low skill = high reward” at times and I completely understand that. But, what nullifies this specific point is Reaper, who even though technically he requires aiming, still is another “low skill = high reward hero”, specifically designed to counter Tanks such as Reinhardt and therefore makes the matchup fair, as you would be countering a “low skill = high reward” hero with another “low skill = high reward” hero.

Winston: Even though he certainly has high positioning/game sense requirements, as do almost all Tanks, I don’t see the problem here because he isn’t a “high reward” hero at all when taking the actual stats into consideration.

Brigitte: Even though an epitome of a low skill hero, she doesn’t output high value… Anymore…

Mercy: Even if in no way a major one, she certainly is an example of an overall “low skill = high reward”, but the fact that value is not tied to damage as Symmetra 2.0’s used to in my opinion at least doesn’t make the hero much of a problem in that regard…

Moira: Moira, well, I really don’t have any argument to counter your view. She certainly is a clear example of a “low skill = high reward” hero that even I, as a Moira main in the Support role, want her nerfed.

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Dude we both play differently obviously. If I am saying this version is easy for me then accept it. I don’t like 3.0 because it’s a boring. I had more challenges and fun with the old version. 3.0 just gave me too much access to be sneaky where that became less rewarding in the end. 3.0 is a brain dead kit in my opinion.