I kinda want a symmetra revert

well I mean obviously they’d change things

also symmetras barrier had 900 health

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We’re all aware Symmetra will never get a revert. But that doesn’t mean we can’t think back on things we liked about her previous kit. We’ve yet to come across an ability like Shield Generator in the game, which promoted a unique flanker experience. Also, the consistency of her piercing orbs is a tool no-longer available to players.

Plus, revisiting old concepts can inform new players on Overwatch’s patch philosophy.

There’s no harm to not accepting her reality. That’s literally the concept of the hero.

The problem with Sym 2.0 is that she was very strong on defense but very weak on attack.

Sym 3.0 is good on defense and good on attack, making her more viable. Sym 3.0 also has a higher skill ceiling which I like, since you have to actually aim.

The only revert she needs is bringing her old TP back.

I like how you genuinely start off with that and people still don’t know that you’re being sarcastic lmao.

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Maybe if you were bad at her

about 1/2 of her power in is tele, its not nearly as useful on defense as on attack

Uhm, no.

The one singular thing that is harder about symmetra 3.0 is that she has to aim, and even then she doesnt even have the ABILITY TO HEADSHOT

Symmetra 2.0 had a LOT more she could improve on than 3.0

I’m not being sarcastic

Even if you were a good Sym, you were still better off picking someone else. A attack Sym 2.0 was as useful as an attack Trob.

No, there were heroes that can do Sym’s job better on attack. Tele and shield gen bring little value since you have to move around alot on attack. You also should not be babysitting these things when your pushing the payload, it becomes 5v6 by doing so.

On defense tele and shield gen are more useful since your goal is to stay on site. Meaning you don’t have to move around and relocate much. Walking back to the objective takes longer compared to walking back to the payload.
Sym 2.0 lacked mobility, she is strong when controlling one area, not moving around.

Sym 2.0 had neither of those things, and as much as people loved it the lock on beam was a bad idea. I’m happy its gone, since it often forced people to jump around like a crazy person.

I once again have to disagree. You are strongly understimating the power of tele+sheild gen,

Also I’d just like to mention, symmetras barrier can block ults like grav, shatter, ETC… its useful to stop the enemy from defending

Its almost as if they can be destroyed, used up, or you can destroy them (switch off and back on)

Not to mention, if you used a building in a place where it wasnt going to be useful for long, thats on you for making a bad choice, not symmetra

Go to 22 minutes in.

As long as her lock-on doesn’t come back, I don’t care too much what they do with her

I’m not underestimating anything, they are powerful but they are better on defense.

So can Reinhardt.

But if you destroy it you still have to wait for it to return.

But on attack that is almost every place. Since you have to constantly relocate. Are you really gonna keep your TP on the first point when the spawn has moved?

I said it forced (well made) people to do it, I did not say it was a good idea. In fact its a sign of a Sym bad player. Don’t tell me you never encountered a Sym 2.0 that did not start dancing around you.

You might find these interesting:

I really like this dude:

Just like every other ultimate in the game.

not true at all.

Symmetra on every attack map had a spot where she could put down her SG and it’d reach all the way to the end of the point/map/objective

Tele and SG would auto destroy after a point was captured

Which can mean the difference between a win or a lose.

Even then you would still have to relocate the shield gen at times. As for the tele, you would always have to relocate it.

I know, I meant are you going to stick in the same spot when you get it back.

She’s hardly close to that. What are you talking about? They did a switch on her E ability from ultimate to E.

For an inexperienced player yes this perspective can be true.

Debatable, but that fault relies on the devs for ignoring her in the long run.

Question is how far did you climb with Sym 2.0. The reason why she wasn’t accepted was due to players not liking 3 supports.

For the fact it’s a channeling damage type it needs to. It counters mobility heroes a.k.a Genji rage players.

You mean avoiding to get hit due to not having any survivability is a sign of a bad player? Fascinating.

Too bad that video is a waste of time when reality sets in. You can learn sure, but results kicks in when you realized you’re not as good you thought you was.

Lock on wasn’t a bad idea. It was created for a purpose and not for bad players. It was the fact she lacked survivability and also to counter heroes that hit scan heroes had a tough time hitting and also to protect herself. She was the Brigitte of that time. If it forced people to jump around then that should tell ya that player’s potential, but then again this is Overwatch community.


I’m glad you liked 2.0 I can see why people would want that back.

I personally like Symmetra more as she is. The auto-lock really held her back then, and I enjoy playing her a lot more how she is now.

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You guys acting like auto lock was the sole purpose of her kit holding her potential. Some fake Symmetra players here.

Sorry that you disagree. I stated my opinion as exactly that, even stating that it was my personal feelings. I didn’t know that having an opinion about a previous kit suddenly makes me a fake Symmetra player (which I never said I main her, I like playing her more than 2.0).


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You should of explored with her more then you would realize there’s more to her than just “auto lock”. It’s not about me disagreeing, but more disappointed.

I had about 30/40 hours on her. I didn’t like her as much as I do now.

Of course you would. You never had the chance to explore much hence your response…like the rest of these “auto lock held her back” players. One concept determines the hero’s potential…:roll_eyes:.

More hours on her would not change my opinion on her.

Stop trying to invalidate my opinion. Your opinion is not law.

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No, it really doesn’t need to come back. Her turrets already do a very adequate job of punishing mobile heroes like Genji, Hammond, and Doomfist because of their slowing effects and auto-aim. I would be more amenable to a flattening of her damage now than to see lock-on w/ damage nerfs return (by flattening, I mean bringing up her minimum damage while reducing her max damage)