I keep seeing the reason not to buff Mercy because "she is fine"

And while I do agree that Mercy is fine as she is in the current live game, that doesnt mean she cant be better. I honestly think that upgrading her base healing up by 10 & giving her one extra instant rez in Valkyrie is what’ll make the Mercy community happy and at the same time wouldn’t be that much of an issue for those who oppose Mercy / Mercy changes.


Why does a hero which is fine by your own standarts need to be better?
If shes balanced, buffs will make her OP.


I mean 50hps Mercy is STILL stronger than Moira


If a hero is “fine”, it means they’re in a place where they don’t need buffs or nerfs.

Hell no.


People call Mercy’s resurrection on E “unearned” a lot. Not something I really agree with nowadays, but when the Mercy rework came out and she did have instant resurrection, and could time her abilities so that she could get off about 4 resurrections in a 20 second window, I could have agreed with that.

As much as it pains me to say, because I loved OP Mercy, an instant resurrection is busted. I feel like the risk vs. reward factor of her current resurrection is the most balanced and fair that it has ever been.

We also had 60 HPS and I liked that too, but I think the reason the -10 HPS nerf to her healing was felt throughout the community is because with 60 HPS it was often possible to keep competent team members alive long enough to withstand focus fire from several enemies at once. Not so much with the 50 HPS. And again, as much as it pains me to say, I think 50 HPS is… fair, even if many of us prefer her to have more healing.

I don’t know. I just think that this current iteration of her is the most balanced she has been. And I don’t even think she is just fine, I think she is very good.

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There’s a lot of people who strongly disliked it when Mercy was meta and really, really don’t want her to be meta again. That’s why most attempts of going in and actually fixing Mercy’s problematic kit get met with a chorus of “She’s fine”. Her stats do say she’s fine… but she’s not.


It’s interesting to note that statistics only really matter to some people when it fits the narrative they are trying to push; otherwise they are just wrong. :clown_face:

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she’s fine. So let’s buff her and hope she’s still fine.

Really dude? This game already has A LOT more than needed, healing. The last thing it needs is a super survivable highly mobile hero with passive healing and the strongest utility in the game, to have more healing and more use of that strong utility.


Mercy is a problematic support, at 60 hps she is the best main suppport and even at 50 hps Ithink she’s the best off support. It takes more than 2 supports to make Mercy a bad choice, her design is kind of nuts.


To me I just want the 60 hps back in the game. And I really want the big mains small chains is implemented to the game. I think it will solve several problems to those that think Mercy is not fun as it will make Mercy more skillful to play.

But current Valkyrie is also good since, let’s be honest, when exactly that your ally will stay in one place within 10 meters for more than three seconds in the lower elo? Unless the map forces the team to stay together.

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What you are asking for is close to what Mercy 2.0 used to be like. Mercy 2.0 was unarguably considered OP.

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I think you missed the sentiment behind Mercy’s E Resurrection being unearned.

My take on that statement is thus. If you compare Resurrect’s power to all other abilities in the game… the closest is probably Pulse Bomb (an ultimate). If you compare Resurrect’s downside to other abilities downsides, the closest you get is Deadeye (another ultimate). Resurrect is the one thing that Mercy can do that no one else in the game can match her on (most ults are that way). If anybody ever asks a Mercy player a question about the status of their abilities, they ask about Resurrect. What I’m getting at is… despite all the changes, Resurrect still feels like it is her ultimate. BUT unlike every ultimate in the game… she doesn’t need to charge a bar to be able to use it. Hence… “unearned”.

In my opinion, Resurrect did need a downside to stay on her E, but they went with the absolute dumbest, most annoying one they could have gone with.

I mean… when Mercy is healing… that’s literally all she’s doing. Why shouldn’t she have a pretty good shot of keeping people alive since attempting to do so requires all of her output?

I can’t say she’s not balanced… I just think a lot of her power is in places where it shouldn’t be. Having the majority of Valkyrie’s power be found in passive or semi passive abilities is just wrong.


plz no.

about only change to rez that would make em happy is rez AS ult again. (as you can balance it better as an ult rather than a mere CD)


Moira is the primary healer version of Zen. She carries threatening dmg along side ehr healing.

the more meta she is the less i get to use her :frowning:

Healthy not meta mercy > strong meta mercy

with the deadliest con to use (sitting duck and cant even cancel it)

I’d say Ana’s nade and/or nano is MUCH stronger than rez.

due to valk. Which is the actual thing that needs its healing changed (primarily in the branched healing)

except Mercy is supposed to be a primary healer not an off one like zen/lucio/brig.

valk is why her healing went from healthy at 60 hp/s to oppressive at 60 hp/s.

mercy CAN be healthy at 60 hp/s (she sat most of her life at that and was fine) but valk’s branched healing needs lowered as that is the ENTIRE reason her 2.0 healing was so toxic.


she’s not supposed to be an off-healer though. thats my point exactly, she needs stronger buffs because she is literally dubbed as the original main healer in Overwatch.

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This ^.

Even then, pick rate and win rate don’t actually paint a full picture on whether a hero is perfectly fine or not. The same could be used for other heroes like Ana, for example, which could then be argued that she’s too strong (although I personally think it’s more that other main healers aren’t able to offer a similar level of potential impact that Ana currently can, in their own way they are a little behind). Sadly I see these stats being used too often, usually in a misguided manner, to try and debunk any complaints about Mercy’s current iteration. Before the rework however one of the top reasons I often saw being used was ‘disheartening’ or ‘unfun’ to play against, not specific statististics being consistently cited like nowadays.

You are right though, most of the “she’s fine” or “balanced” comments/opinions (not all) seem to typically be from players who’d prefer not to see Mercy meta again or are afraid of seeing Mercy be meta again. A fear that she could become overpowered again, although that was the fault of the OW team and not of those who main(ed) Mercy. They were warned but chose to ignore plenty of feedback.

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please be respectful when choosing to reply or you will get flagged.

No, no, no, no. With the healing buff thisll make her an op must pick again, especially since shell be getting ult faster than ever

but you have to understand how underpowered her abilities are at the moment compared to other heroes, it just doesnt seem fair and 'm trying to find a middle ground at this point :sob:

I didn’t insult anyone directly. And honestly, I don’t care whatsoever. It’s been weeks since i last played. sometimes posting here is the only remaining connection i have with overwatch. A ban might even help me completely rid myself of this terrible terrible game.

So thanks for the warning. But i don’t care whatsoever.

Not exactly a high bar, Moira’s kit is so limited and totally outclassed.

Anyway, instant res is a big no no.