I keep seeing the reason not to buff Mercy because "she is fine"

People saying mercy is fine is like the same people saying symmetra is fine and doesn’t need buffs.

Mercy could use a healign buff to her valkyrie to make it impactful support ulti and symm still needs help.

Mercy is only picked now to pocket all those snipers and whatever. As soon as those aren’t meta, she’s forgotten. Ana continues to remain meta because dps don’t work as her floaties but she can work with both tanks and dps.

Team needs tanks and if mercy is incapable of healing tanks because of her lackluster hps, then she’s just not good enough to ever be a good healer. Quad dps is an abnormal composition and she should be good enough healer to not get pigeonholed into such a role. If mercy’s preferred tanks aka dive tanks need more and better healers than what mercy can provide, then she’s just a bad healer period.


I understand how she feels to play, but this is way too far, 60 hps in her current state is pushing it without compensation nerfs and your asking for instant rez in valk alongside it, rez being something game changing by its very nature instant being op because counterplay is minimal

I’m willing to tune down her GA, and her Passive ability to be able to compensate for these tbh. I just want to feel like I’m actually doing something with her, ya know?

I mean, it’s not like Blizzard hasn’t done the reverse several times already.

You can tune it down over my cold dead vice grip hands.

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Isn’t she is fine the best reason though?

Honestly the only thing I think could be changed is the GA isn’t tied down to looking at your team to use.

I dont think you would actually want this, these would be 2 huge survivability nerfs to mercy as these are her main methods of staying alive, you would probably feel less like your doing something and more like your dying constantly if I had to guess

I doubt these buffs would make her feel like shes doing something even when she still had double instant rez in valk there were many disgruntled mercy mains who felt like they were doing nothing even though they knew how op she was while they were playing her, I think the thing she would need in order to feel this way is either a much flashier ultimate animation or a hero moment to get the brain chemicals flowing

yea. And blizzard’s the role model for great balancing. Which is beyond apparent in WOW . a 15 years old game and still not properly balanced.

Not that they did any better with overwatch.

They basically took a deep dive after reworking mercy and kept going lower and lower with each patch.

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No. Listen, she is doing fine right now as you noted. These are buff ideas that would end up making her a must pick. We’ve already been down this route. There’s no reason to try and give her back an instant rez. As for the healing, while it would feel nice her stats indicate she really doesn’t need that either.

I’m not saying she needs an instant Rez out of Valkyrie, but when the ultimate was first introduced to the game it was described as an ultimate that enhanced all of Mercy’s abilities, and with Rez being the only thing that isn’t enhanced like they promised, I feel a bit snubbed. That is the true reason as to why I want instant Rez in Valkyrie so it stays true to her Valkyrie kit. The only thing that Valk doesnt enhance is Rez and to me that’s unfair, an ultimate should feel like an ultimate. It isn’t fair to get 5 man wipes with 1 ult (Rein’s being the easiest team wipe ult to use in the entire game) yet Mercy can’t get 1 single instant Rez during her Ultimate? That seems hardly fair imo, but to each their own.

Just curious, which stats are you looking at?

I actually feel like the only thing that could be considered “underpowered” in her kit is the 50 HPS. She has a mobility ability on a 2 second CD, and also has tricks and nuances to enhance her mobility if you’re good enough on her. Damage boost can be so good, not just for her but for her team, and like others have stated, Resurrection is one of the most powerful utility abilities in the game.

I think her ultimate is also on par with most other ultimates, although I know a few people who disagree. And that’s fine. Let’s not forget, she does get 60 HPS during Valk. Or am I wrong on that one?

Also, I’d like to mention, there is currently a bug (I think it’s a bug) that does not inhibit her movement during Valk when she is rezzing. What I mean by that is, she can still move at full speed during a rez to avoid getting shot at. I am sure it is a bug and it will get fixed. They initially had enhances to rez during Valk but that proved to be absolutely broken. I think if you look at it from an objective point of view you might understand why that one ability out of all of them ended up being the only one that is no longer enhanced, excluding this current bug.

Isn’t immortality field closer?

I understand that, no worries.

The unfortunate reality though is, when they did have rez doing more in Valk, it cause a lot of problems. They kept instant rezzes and rez CD resets for a long time before Blizz decided it really was too much and removed it. You can’t say it was for lack of trying, they did trt it. It just wasn’t a very balanced idea.

Using overbuff as a point of reference.

To address possible concerns about it not being entirely accurate due to how they gather data or the inclusion of private profiles, we can still tell the site is mostly accurate as it follows larger trends going on in competitive along with balance changes that seem to occur along with those trends. The sample size is still large enough to not drastically change the overall findings of the site.

If we look at Mercy specifically according to that site, the only other healer who outheals her on average is Moira. And Moira has her own issues with lack of utility.

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I wouldn’t say so. Single target kill a dude and Single target revive a dude seems closer to me than what Immortality Field does.

On an unrelated note, I heard a rumor that you got a Workshop thing up and running that buffed Mercy’s single target beam and nerfed her chain beams in Valkyrie. Could you share it with me?

Sure, I’m on my cell phone right now, but tomorrow when I am near a computer I will.

Awesome! Thanks.

What it actually does is heal your target a little and apply area effect damage to your team.

But with valk… It means your target is healed more and other targets are healed less.

The issue is… Anti means you end up damaging your team ;), since the healing isn’t applied from valk , but the script doesn’t know that.

So it has a bug.

And it has since changed in order to balance it

It wasnt a promise it was just the best way to describe the original valk

Walls shields height killing rein before he does it and range

Killing mercy before she rezzes

20% increase in healing isn’t some paultry QoL improvement, its a huge buff, as is faster rezes during Valk.