Since the last update I have been disconnected from the server several times with that message “lost connection to the game server” Am I the only one having this problem? I haven’t seen anyone talk about it here so far.
No you are not the only one. I have been disconnected during three competitive matches this season, and two of these were before the mid season update. Worst part is once I am disconnected I am put into a queue so I cannot come back before the grace period is over. I am on a three hour competitive suspension because of this issue
Yeah, but it’s not sometimes or one game or another, it’s over and over again! Every time I enter in the game it lasts for about 10-40 minutes and disconnects, since this update it’s always disconnecting. I haven’t even been able to play a single game this week because sometimes it disconnects me even at the Training Range.
Eu acabei de ser banida do competitivo por causa dessa desconexão do servidor, que culpa eu tenho se o jogo caí sozinho?!?!
Id advise you to stop because i just got banned for the rest of the season. They dont allow banned players to appeal either
I would love to play some more but I don’t want to risk a season ban… I don’t even know if whatever was going on has stopped or even how to find out. Apparently this has been going on for a couple of days now at this point. If I had known that I would not have even played comp.
Why is there no sticky on this forum about this?
I notice any forum made about the recent events gets buried in the forum pages and most of the threads previously disappeared. I dont know if thats Blizzards doing or the DOS attackers but seeing as its been days for some and weeks for most, id lean more towards blizzards doing to buy time for a solution
Happened to me too just now and I’m on a 19hr ban , guess I’m hanging comp up for now.
Mine too. The lag is also so bad it makes it unplayable.
Overwatch needs to stop doing updates if their servers cant handle it. Its ridiculous
This has been a problem since season 11. Hundreds of players said the same thing with thousands of views. Blizz did nothing.
Yeah i got banned from season 15 comp…when it was the servers that kicked me…
I just got banned mine was saying failure to connect to server I’m so hurt cause I just start playing the game on feb.
Server issues going on rn, i would avoid playing comp or play on an alt for comp.
they never seem to acknowledge or care about disconnection issues