I just realized there are no Americans in New Overwatch

I don’t recall that distinction necessarily being made for that part. It’s true that it could be, but within the lore it would only make sense for Ashe to protect her hideout from genocidal machines, even with a ‘vigilante’ peace-keeping organization.

I admit to some theorizing there, sure, but it would make some sense at least.

It was part of the “Hero Missions” part, which is the mode you can play all heroes. Featured in that part were:

  • Torbjorn, Brigitte, and Zarya on Ilios Ruins vs Talon
  • Mercy, Winston, and Ashe on Route 66 vs Talon
  • Tracer, Lucio, and Hanzo on Paris vs Null Sector

Each one being 2 Overwatch agents, and then a third hero not affiliated with them.


Im confused. Didnt they say OW1 + OW2 allow cross game play? Wouldn’t that mean you can play as McCree or Soldier76? Or are we strictly talking about the coopmissions?

This is a lore forum, so we are talking about Overwatch the organisation that Winston has initiate the Recall of - not Overwatch the game =)

How do you even notice this is? What drives you to notice this?

I have eyes and ears?


You are annoyed with Americans heroness/domination irl and in fiction.
I am annoyed also with English as international language.

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Soldier would probably be willing to work with them. It might only be in a “you’d all die without me” kind of way, but he doesn’t hate them.

I don’t get what the problem is if there’s an American on the team or not. There’s a story to be told and everyone, regardless of superficial factors, plays a role in it.

Seems to me you’re just bigoted against Americans in general for real life political reasons presumably.


Yasssss I’m bigoted against myself