I just lost 4 games in a row

I wish.
Dunning Kruger effect is more prevalent than this for sure.

I recommend taking a break after 2 comp loss in a row.

EDIT: Iā€™ve thought iā€™ve deleted when my cat have jumped to the table.

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Welp, you can say that, but when it can put golds vs diamonds, and masters vs plats, then i see a flaw here.
And im talking about ranked.

Statistically only 16% of your games are lost primarily because of you.

That said, statistically 83% of your games are also lost at least partially because of you.

Read this. Then keep playing for months and years and see if it has any validity.

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I concur with your sentiments, we should verily nerf brig and buff doomfist, doomfist has been week for many. in order to construct a better game. we should ensure Doomfist hero is viable in thetorrent meta. Thank.

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To be fair some games are just unwinnable no matter what, Iā€™m T500 and some games while climbing from unranked to GM are impossible to win, even in masters were people are supposed to know how to play.

Edit: To be clear OP is still right, improve yourself and youā€™ll more often.

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The match maker is going to fail you. Your not going to win every game.

Youā€™re totally right. Iā€™m the reason my teammates AFK in spawn. Iā€™m the reason my teammates walk into enemy team 1v6 spamming ā€œhiā€ and wait to get shot. Iā€™m the reason my teammates ragequit because we lost one round.

Itā€™s never that simple. Itā€™s partially your fault and itā€™s partially the systems fault. You sound more so paid to say that. You arenā€™t and I appreciate your willing to understand that you need to improve. But itā€™s not your entire fault. The system has its issues. Especially with how it lets you fight against teams when you only have strangers, it still hasnā€™t solved the smurf issue and with how it places you with low level players. That an issue of the system. But still yo can improve. Overall, the devs should improve the system. But players should acknowledge that they can improve.

Me too. Had a really close game on Route 66. We got close but I was getting outplayed by the enemy tanks a little too much. Had some back in forths but in the end the fact that the MT/OT of their team were working together better then we were resulted in us loosing.

It was actually one of those games were I caved to the demand for a Rein when I am a WB main. My 38% win rate on Rein vs my 67% Winrate on WB never seems to be enough to convince ppl.

Play what you are good at ppl. Mute them haters.

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Without further implications, 4 games in a row is not a particularly valid sample size.

No, wait. The matchmaker has to be rigged. How can you lose 4 games in a row? Chance or your own daily skill deviation does not permit such a thing to happen.

Do you also sometimes win 4 games in a row? Just more proof of it being rigged. It has to be. Itā€™s not me thatā€™s at fault. Itā€™s the system and my team.

The system IS ridiculously flawed and anti-consumer, because they place new players at gold. This leads to very poor match quality below plat. Allowing, even encouraging, multiple accounts per player out of greed also hurts match quality.

Whether or not someone is set back by the system is another discussion. I do not comment on that.

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You should read his post instead of just the title :open_mouth:

4 games in a row isnā€™t that much. I guarantee you, every multiplayer game in the world will have instances where you lose 4 games in a row.

Thatā€™s why I added the without further implications part. I mostly agree with the first post.

Does this still apply when you have 7 or 8 smurfs in every low elo lobby just dumpstering everyone while the only levelled up accounts there, playing within their elo just get blasted into oblivion. Just so a bunch of diamond/master players can have a laugh. Game is gonna die if blizz keeps allowing this.

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biggest issue this game has by far totally agree

Four games in a row is nothing. One time I lost like twelve in a row. Generally that kind of thing doesnā€™t bother me but it was actually crushing