I just lost 4 games in a row

And I have nobody to blame but myself.

The matchmaker does what it needs to do.

My games are fair.

I should seek to improve my gameplay.

The system is not ridiculously flawed and anti-consumer. But if you think the system is keeping you back, then that’s the reason you’re stuck in your elo. It’s not until you find the problems in your own gameplay that you will climb.

You’d think this would be common knowledge at this point.


Taking responsibility!
I’m in the OW forums, right…?


The world may end with you, but your views take you well past it’s horizon.


This is the question I found myself asking when I first joined.


A true question to be wondering.
I often find myself wondering if I’m in a different reality when I’m here.


Meh, there’s definitely something to be said for people who are always blaming the game or others on their losses, but like anything, you can go to the extreme the other way too and blame EVERY loss on yourself when that’s just not accurate. Overwatch matchmaking range is 40%-60% meaning that ideally it wants two teams that both have a 50% chance of winning based on their mmr, but to reduce wait time it will make matches where one team has a up to a 60% chance and the other has up to a 40% chance. It won’t make larger gap than that. It is completely possible to get four games in a row on 40% teams. It’s called a bad streak. If you lose another four games, I would definitely start doing some serious assessment on your gameplay. But it’s too early to start blaming yourself.


Of course yeah yeah it’s all your fault sure.
Not are your games are going to be around you. Some games you’ll get carried, others you’ll get stomped no matter what. Don’t act like the matchmaker is perfect.


Well i wouldnt say that its perfect (hell it keeps trying to get me to play paris) but i wont be blaming it for my poor gameplay


you can blame your gameplay on yourself, sure. but others are accountable for their actions or lack of as well. you are a team, one messes up, its the teams fault. but then again we have priority passes now which promotes throwing for their main. soooooooooooooooooooo

Today, for example, I was Diamond and fell to 2989Sr. But after I fell, the matchmaking put me with a bunch of masters for some reason. You can check my profile and I have a screenshot of it too.
If you want to see it for yourself the replay code is 9BC4MV.


You lost almost a thousand sr in one day? Jesus

Oopss i forgot the “9” sorry lol

See I was about to come in and just say “Get better?” but you actually have a brain.

Ruining my fun… :pensive:


So… you lost one game? That sounds normal

I was low diamond and I fell to plat and it put me in a masters game

“Balanced matchmaking” they said


I lost 13 comp games in a row last season: my last 3 tank placements, all my dps placements, and all my support placements. And that doesn’t even include going 3-7 in my open queue placements matches.

I played my heart out every match. There was one leaver, one thrower (and yes I know they were throwing), and the rest just losses created by our own inept team play.

I’m willing to take responsibility for my part in the failures, but I don’t know that I could say I was the cause for the failure.


I think any of us here are willing to take responsibility for our own actions and mistakes, OP, but I’m not willing to take the blame for something that wasn’t even my fault. I had a match last night where our tank/Rein just straight up left altogether cause we lost the first round. He jumped on voice chat and was like “Alright, I’m takin’ a piss. GG.”, then he afked in spawn for the rest of the round and we lost 5v6.

There are also the situations where your entire team is filled with people solo queuing and you get put against like a 4 or 5 stack and you know their communication is way better than yours just by how they’re playing. Sure, I’ll take responsibility for not doing more in that circumstance, but the matchmaking as a whole isn’t my fault. I can’t really do anything about being thrown into that situation.

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Some of these games, yes, are unwinnable by things out of your control. But in a game where everyone is working equally hard, I think my original post stands.

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“The matchmaker does what it needs to do.”

I’m GM and it has put me in quickplay lobbies with half a dozen brand new players to the game. I’ve seen Torbs solo ult baby dva and not kill her, orisa on defense activate her ult on point b even though nobody was around and they hadn’t taken point a yet, and Reins get killed by a single sym turret because he forgot he had a shield or could just walk away. This kind of stuff has become a daily occurrence.