I just left my first match ever. Feels good

I have no clue about consoles so I cant speak for it. I can only speak what happens in PC EU. And its not dying. Also the point was correlation between the dying and LFG, while you took one example from a long que or something? Yeah ques are long some times. 7mins is something that rarely happens, its pretty much when you play late night with a stack, Ive never had any problems with que times. They are always been low expect the extreme hours with stacks. Maybe you did que 7pm during christmas eve/day?

Nah it was today, just saw this on r/cow and this poor guy got it worse though

How does a gold/diamond duo get into a masters game at 11:50pm, how does the game not find a plat game to put them into? lmao

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Usually around 7am CST, when nobody is online, that’s a common occurrence. At midnight though? Yikes.

There probably aren’t enough masters online to fill the game because everyone’s on alts/smurfs screwing around in lower plat anyway. Masters and grand masters always complain that there’s nobody online, then hop off onto an alt to fuel their need for a game.

Had a 4 man from LFG join my game, it turned out (much to the surprise of the other 2 members) that 2 of them were deranking trolls. they trolled and hard threw the game for all of us. Fun.

The post was removed so even if there was a screenshot of something to prove you then yeah…
Anyways. I dont think golds and diamonds should even be able to que together. You are already wildly unbalancing the range so yeah I can believe it happens when you do that. I would never do that so I guess thats why that never happens to me. I solo q or I que with people who are close in SR to me because I dont want the game to be where there is so wide range of players. Some times, really rare tho, I get a game where there is a 2 sack of a gold and diamond or something like that (and that happens like what, 1:100 games or something? its really rare for me at least) and I think its stupid that they can que together, but as long as they CAN que together games like that will happen. Its not the problem of match maker, its the problem that people can que like that. Nothing to do with game dying.

I get triggered when people say this about LFG. I made a thread about this…

and this

If you purposefully leave a match after the match cancel time is expired, you should lose the SR for entire team. Otherwise, i could care less.