I just hit masters on support with 67% W/R

as of right now i have hit masters on support by onetricking ana and kiriko and occasionally playing baptist, you guys are all liars, the forums said that support is “the most unenjoyable role” most “underpowered role” and least impactful, im here to say that all of that is bullcrap, support has so much more impact that both tank and dps it is insane, now listen, i started out on gold, which is extremely low elo, and now i understand why people hate genji in low elo, because they suck. and i did suck originally so thats why genji was a menace to play against as ana for a beginner, but all i needed to do was learn how to consistently use sleep dart and not even a pocketed genji could kill me in a 1v2 scenario, and this is high dia low masters we are talking about.
you guys need to adopt the mentality “its not the games fault its me” otherwise you will never climb, elo hell does not exist.


Cool story, I just hit GM with a 66% WR and my advice is “git good”.


im top 500 on dps and never touched support in my life, it took me 1/4 the time it took to reach masters on support for the first time than dps

You know top 500 players generally have the game sense to reach diamond and master on most roles and even heros, simply due to understanding the fundamentals to such a degree and having the proficiency to use thier skills at the best time. You announcing your stats and how amazing you are just sounds trite and reminds me of billionaires complaining that if people want money all you need to do is start a company.


buddy theres three roles and im hardstuck on tank for diamond even though i have the game sense and the mechanics, game sense for tanks and dps are two different worlds, some people can peak rank 1 in dps but never hit masters on tank, theres also to say what hero you play, say a top 500 OTP mercy player started a bronze to GM genji account they would not reach past diamond or even plat simply because of how mechanically demanding genji is, and a general need for broader game sense for genji.

you say that yet i played like a genuine gold support before genuinely picking it up and trying to learn it.

No, i am announcing my stats because in general, people say that dps is the easiest role, and support is the hardest, dps is the most impactful but poor ol support is the least impactful, im saying that is wrong and its the other way around, i have never ever touched support in my life, its a different world to dps, and yet it took me 1/4 of the time it took for me to reach masters on support than it took to reach masters on dps

Who is saying that supports are unenjoyable? Because I disagree. In season 1 maybe supports were less enjoyable because of the DPS speed buff. But now, supports are in a good spot and arguably stronger than most of the DPS roster. Tanks still takes the cake in being the strongest carry role, but support in my opinion comes close second (in competitive mode at least).

Supports are only unimpactful if you play low carry potential heroes like mercy. Ana, Kiriko, and Baptiste are one of the best hard carry heroes.

I did find genji annoying earlier in the season, but he is fine now after his nerf. Although I do think they over-nerfed genji a little too much. So hopefully they can eventually come to a middle ground where genji feels powerful to play but not oppressive like before.

I just hit low Master’s this season! Elo hell is not a thing, and support is my absolute fav role

ALOT of players say that, trust me, you would be surprised.
however support is very boring if you ask me, unless you are playing ana, playing mercy or kiriko is some of the most boring stuff u can do in this game along with playing widow.

supports are THE strongest role, they dictate many of the games outcomes, i can list multiple times where i as an ana solo carried a fight simply because of one cooldown or a pick that i made on the backline.

tanks in lower elo? for sure, but higher elo supports are single handedly the deciders for the match’s outcome, the rate at how they can enable their tank and dps is just insane, if you put up a grandmaster support duo with their team being plat and a grandmaster tank with the rest of their team being plat against each other, the supports win every time sheerly because of how much they can bully the enemy tank with supports like zen, ana, brig if its dive, and even baptist to a degree, even with a single GM support on the team they can still heavily bully the tank

i disagree, mercy has very high carry potential in the right hands and comp, just like ana, if u dont play mercy in the right comp you will suffer, mercy thrives when theres a hitscan to pocket and damage boost, and her heals are just insane, theres a reason why shes top 3 support in GM, her res is single handedly one of the most broken cooldowns in the game.

i never found genji annoying even when i didnt main him, back in season 1 at the beginning when genji was meta and reaper was C tier i never once thought (huh genji is the problem) and i reached GM just fine not playing the meta.

Congrats here’s a cookie for our new master :cookie:

thank you, :pinching_hand: :cookie: :poop: :toilet:

Do you expect to reach GM by playing worse?

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Sigh, the point I was trying to explain is that general experience and understanding makes transitioning easier. The first time you ride a bike it is hard, however once you have learned said skill and allowed it to decay over time, picking it back up is much easier.

The same is true in gaming and all things in life. You gained the understanding and have the skills to implement that understanding, however acting as if everyone can and should be able to reach where you are at at the same pace, is an outrageous claim. For instance, Mike Tyson is not a current boxer, but put a new player in the ring and they will feel like death no matter how his skills has diminished over time.

In this case you are Mike Tyson going into a different fields like kick boxing, of course you will not be at your prime or in your element, however your understanding of the basics of fighting gives you a larger lead in the pack then most players just learning the game. AKA we often do not recognize how skilled we are, and belittle ourselves due to us looking at the extremes, when in reality diamond+ represents the top 10%. which is a very small slice of the pie.

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ok? what part of this argument proves that support is not broken and isnt impactful?

except riding a bike and riding a car is almost two different things.

with enough time investment you can reach any rank in this game, aslong as you understand how to play the game support is very impactful, and thats what im trying to say with my recent rank up to masters.

you can be a good boxer but a bad kickboxer.

this doesnt mean that new players cant learn, which is again, what the point of this post was, if support really was hard as people make it out to be i would be suffering but its really not, i feel much more flexible in support than in dps

Dear goodness you keep cutting pieces up and auguring points in bad faith. Like the being a good boxer and bad kick boxer counterpoint. The point was not to prove that apples are not oranges its to prove that they are related and thus you can make a informed estimation on their similarities. AKA a boxer being more fit then Joe smoe on the sidewalk eating a hotdog, and how that would create an upper hand scenario for Mike Tyson even if they had equal understanding of kick boxing.

The point was that you have skill due to learning how to play over many hours as well as your desire to learn your new craft. That is fine but using yourself as a metric without establishing the reality that most people play a max of 3 games a day is folly.

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Clearly you’re misinformed about how good this game really is. The matchmaker has already been proven to be trash.

One dude climbing up doesn’t mean this game doesn’t have serious problems. Try thinking outside your box.


see, i would believe you, but 90% of the playerbase plays like dopeness07 2EHN05 in this match believing their team is the problem.

Master is basically Plat in season 3, in case noone told you. Ranks are inflated, so if last season you were Plat 1 and now suddenly you climbed to Master 5 it’s not that much of an improvement, it’s just that it’s easier to climb this season. I hope they fix this, it’s so unrewarding playing in Master 2 and feeling like I’m vsing Plats.


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thats subjective.

the devs admitted that high gm was inflated and that top 500 was filled with GM 1, but no part of that mentioned how low elo was inflated, so your wrong, infact, its the opposite, according to the developers alot of the players ended up in a lower rank than they were supposed to, for example in season 1 i finished top 500, season two (although the meta changed to hard poke and roadhog which was incredibly bad for genji and reaper) i finished masters 3 and throughout this season ive been consistently mid-high GM

thats because you got used to the “win 7 times system” it is far faster now to rank up because your rank gets updated faster.

boo hoo.

if you look at necros’s stream currently (hes doing a unranked to gm stream right now), their smurf detection system instantly kicked in and put necros into GM lobbies even though his display rank is plat 3, and because of how the current system works for ranking up, he has to play in GM lobbies with a display rank for plat and get 5 wins to rank up, his display rank isnt inflated but his mmr is because the game thinks hes a smurf.
if ranked was inflated then why is he still in plat fighting against GM’s?

trial i saw you play against dafran and moreweth on colosseo, your ana is cracked

complete BS that your team didnt win. weird match