I just hit masters on support with 67% W/R

yeah haha, it was very dumb how my team flopped at the end, but i feel like i played a part of throwing that too.


forum pops up another beer

Elo hell isn’t a thing. Being stuck in metal ranks due to your own gameplay is a thing.

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It’s leagues easier to reach Top-500 on DPS.

You have significant control over winning and losing as a DPS/Tank than you will ever have as a Support.

If you had an easier time as Support, DPS probably isn’t your thing.

It’s hilarious you’re trying to argue otherwise, I couldn’t make up a better way to gaslight people.

At the end of the day, whether you have people to play with or are Solo’ing has a bigger impact than anything else.

that’s not what one tricking is…

that was during season 1. people had to adjust and support got a few changes.

brave statements considering how broken matchmaking currently is. a lot of people reached career highs this season. which rather points to flawed ranked system than everyone getting better all of a sudden.

Especially if you go on win streaks, your MMR gets a massive boost. Congrats, you reached Masters…will you stay there that’s a different story.

Lmao I was entirely taking the pee out of how pointless this guy’s post is. There is literally nothing of value said, although the irony of my own comment seems to have been lost in translation.

go reach top 500 on dps then.

you dont and thats not true, you are hilarious.

im top 500 on dps are you joking?

you are literally gaslighting everyone right now.

support even in solo que still has the highest impact on the game, to deny that and claim something else is just staying in denial, support has been the golden child of blizzard and constantly getting away with OP cooldowns but when a dps is slightly viable like genji in season 1 they trash the character beyond belief to his lowest numbers ever and then mention how they plan on nerfing his blade YET again and also buff baptist and micro buff brig 6 times while they are at it

dont care, i still primarily play ana.

season 1 supports were still busted AF

i mean, its been a few days and i already ranked up from m5 to m4 and im still climbing.

the first role you play is always the hardest. if u played supp first then swapped to dps youd probably say the opposite

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You don’t even know what onetricking means do you.

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Only people under Master crying about the ranking system. A really good player like you, who understands the game, and it’s mechanics for example, can get to Master-GM even with their eyes closed, lol, while there are these forums “hardstuck silver and golds”, who can’t win because the matches are rigged and their teammates are bad!

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They are gross exaggerations, but you can’t really argue that support is the least impactful of the three roles. It’s just that people confuse the term “least impactful” with having no impact. Despite having the lowest carry potential, it’s more than enough impact to influence the outcomes of matches in a major way.

It’s not really rocket science that a role called “support” is by definition more reliant on teammates than the other roles.

I peaked 3400 in OW1, I peaked Master 2 (so 3800) in OW2 and I have played 1/10 of the time I put in OW1. You mean to tell me that I actually managed to get 3800/M2 in 2 months while I grinded for 2 years to get 3400?

Idk really what is going on, I hope you’re right to be honest because this would mean my rank is correct and comparable to older Master ranks? Maybe I’m just that good :smiley:

first off, overwatch 1 and overwatch 2 gameplay wise are TWO different games, they are not alike in anyway, meaning that you could be better at overwatch 2 but not 1 vice versa, i know grandmaster players in overwatch 1 who cant get back to GM in ow2, but theres also the fact that the influx of new players to old players has also caused your rank to jump, the average diamond in overwatch 1 is far more skilled than the average diamond in overwatch 2 due to the new players, once the new players have more ground which we are already seeing as new players have started climbing the ranks the ranks will start stabilising again, but for now only the highest of gm levels are inflated which the devs are working to fix.

again, the devs said that this season overall has by far the most accurate display ranks with the next season being even more accurate to your MMR
for example necros recently finished his 19 hour stream for unranked to GM he finished at GM 4 but his MMR is high top 500 and it was for awhile even at diamond display rank, once season 4 releases, necros’s rank on that alt account specifically will potentially jump to high-mid GM, and also, old Masters players and new masters players are not comparable, overwatch 1 was a totally different game compared to overwatch 2

I looked up ur stats and ur winrate as of now is 60%. It never was 67% to begin with. Just trying to calm ur ego down. But i agree with everything else u said in this whole forum.

it peaked at 70% actually winrates fluctuate alot when ur playing a new hero and also its 65%

Makes sense. I almost never watch profiles on the overwatch sife. I use tracker.gg instead which is more accurate than the ow site itself. They also update every 3 minutes so ye :wink:

Can’t post links here so remove the space i did between the / and the T

https:// tracker.gg/overwatch/profile/battlenet/TrialBTW%232972/overview

why would you not use the official site for

well apparently in this case its not because even in my overwatch profile in the game is 65%

they can update it every nano second and i wouldnt care if its inaccurate.

Rofl I’ve never seen someone in such denial, and just for your FYI I’ve been Top 500 several times in both Support and DPS since OW1. It’s like a hobby for some of yall to come on here, and gaslight people trying to be an edge lord. I’ve learned to not waste my time with delusional people, was fun chatting.

:rofl: :sweat_smile: :joy:


I hit GM on support with a 65% winrate

support is easy, matchmaker is broken, 5v5 sucks, ranks are inflated

uh huh, and ive travelled to the moon before.

kk bye have fun!

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