I just don't feel devs are serious about having all heroes viable anymore

Yes, the other nerfs were also necessary. Does rein get a free charge if he misses his first charge?

Does McCree get to spam flashbangs until it hits someone.

The only question now is her damage threshhold, where she should take 15+ damage before hack gets broken, just so shotgun weapons can’t be shot across the map to disable it.

“Buffs” is hardly the word when it fixes no issues that currently plagues them.

Mei’s ult is the bare minimum of fixing her, and DF needs his bugs sorted out.

Well if we start buffing her desensiveness of her kit, then she’s going to need cutbacks elsewhere. It’s literally the same reason why Zen has poor heals, but has amazing damage.

You can’t make Ana immune to dive, but keep her at the highest possible healing potential. She’s going to need healing cutbacks if she’s going to get buffed elsewhere. That same power distribution is what Hog and Dva got. Hog got less damage for better healing, and Dva got less DM but missiles.

Ana would need that same power distribution or else she’ll become unbeatable.

And for you I have a whole thread on that:

1 like and no relies, basically sums up what the community thinks of him.

I do too. Actually I played Ana and Mercy so much Seasons 3 and 4 that they make up my most played heros after my top 3.

As a Bastion player, I’m all too familiar with the harassment and abuse, but I know where my limits are, and if Bastion isn’t working I know to switch to something else. Actually, ironically, I switch to Bastion when things aren’t working out and I pick him to stop steamrolls…

But that’s the biggest factor. Sure, there are idiots that report as soon as you select that hero but I try my hardest to be a team player. That’s something that feels like it’s lacking when Sym/Torb OT’s leave VC.

They just need to revert her back to what she was during S2/3, but without the 200/400 health.

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