I actually already so happen to have the perfect ability set for Junkerqueen, one that gives her a lot of gameplay diversity.
Mech: Melee + Rocket Launcher
It plays more or less like if Reinhardt had Pharah’s rocket launcher instead of a shield.
Pilot: Melee + Gun (Something similar in style to the WH40k bolter)
The weapons are not held separately like Torbjorn’s, so they can easily be used in coordination with each other.
The melee has a long swing+recovery time and slows movement before a lunge, but is ridiculously hard-hitting with massive damage and knockback. It’s intended for infrequent, but very effective blows, in line with Junkerqueen’s gladitorial style.
The gun is like 76’s rifle but with a lower fire rate, smaller clip, and slightly more damage. Overall it does less DPS.
The mech can be entered and exited at will, and when empty acts as a sentry and a revive point for the pilot. The pilot has a separate health pool, which recovers gradually while in the mech.
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Becuse support and tanks are more valuable options compared to mutiple dps slection. That’s why in lfg you never see 3 or more dps spots. 5 dps at that point the dps are begin beyond greed with their picks. 5 dps comp with support 1 isn’t an idea comp and unless their main healer that team is going to lose to team play good.
How about a healer, and tank then another healer? 8/8/15?
I’ve ALWAYS asked for a slower firing long range rifle for a hero, think scout rifles from Destiny.
And your kit sounds fun. But it’s missing a flamethrower <3
High damage, hit-or-miss weapons are good gladitorial-style weapons as well as more enjoyable gameplay-wise (which is why TF2 was deliberately designed with almost entirely those kinds of weapons).
So a flamethrower wouldn’t be fitting as a main weapon; it wouldn’t fit how the character is intended to fight, nor be fun to play against since it can’t really miss.
But it should absolutely be an ult.
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Reinhardt looks sort of badass I agree. Personally for me his appearance is spoiled by strange proportions - giant arms and small legs (almost ape-like). Personality-wise he is a deep character now, but it was very flat before “Honor and Glory”.
More importantly, many people are off-put from Reinhardt because they find his playstyle boring, which is expected if you mix slow pace with utter lack of mechanical difficulty.
You mean junkerqueen and maximilien?
Yeah i think she is going to be a Berseker version of Roadhog : Hook,shotgun you can load up for extra damage and “resistance” to CC and incoming damage reductions.
Maximilien could be sort of a hacker hero that disables skills and provides “buffs” to allies so yeah, a support.
I’ll be happy as long as they don’t release another dps for a while. The Symmetra and Torbjorn reworks were significant enough to lock them out of competitive for 2 weeks, just like a new hero. We need more tanks and supports first.
Gotta be honest, we need more (primary) tanks. Most times on competitive i try to play Hammond or road, but in the end i always get forced on Orisa or Rein. Not because of the team forcing me to, but because i feel like i can’t protect my team. Some new primary tanks with huge barriers and cool kits would be really nice.
well, looking at specificly at the anchor-tank-roster, we only have Orisa and Rein (maybe winston but his kit can only make him a dive-anchor-tank). I would prefer 2 Anchor tanks and 1 healer (personal preference, not judging you).
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Thats actually a good idea. I hope the next one will be unique to Orisa and Rein and need more teamwork to be killed.
I think Winston is more Dive than Anchor, but yes, hes a main tank as well.
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Well, by “DPS/Tank hybrids” i guess you are looking at off tanks? Just thinking about Orisa who well can dish out damage but most of her kit is anchor-tank’y.
Otherwise well said buddy
So… then there would be 9 healers, 7 tanks, and 15 dps.
maybe two healers and a tank to make it even.
Maybe a tank that moves slow but litterly is immune to Moving CC? (for example, can’t be moved with doomfists rocket punch or knocked up with uppercut but can still be stunned?)
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Sorry dude, hero 29 is already announced to be revealed during Blizzcon
Orisa is a main tank, she can damage, but her main role is to bring utility and protection. That is how I see it, at least.
Brigitte is supposed to be a tank/support yet she’s more of a tank/dps. A main anchor tank like rein and orisa would be nice, and eventually one or two other healers (+1 main)
How to literally make half of the games population quit.
Personally as a tank main, i feel like a Anchor/Main-tank is just as much, if not more, needed. But i certainly agree on the male+asian theme
I would just like to point out that the hook should be unique to Roadhog. All heroes should have different abilities and kits to make them feel unique to play. If Junkerqueen ever comes to overwatch, i highly doubt she will have a shotgun and a hook (definately not a hook but maybe a shotgun).
New anchor tank hero would also be a great (and needed) addition…
Just proves to show that tanks and healers spots are desparately lacking rtm.
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