Absolutely, I hate the feeling when one healers already been picked, and it’s a main healer, so I’m limited to Lucio, Zenyatta or Brig. It’s just so… unfun to have such a limited choice pool. Atleast for DPS you have 7 or 8 really good heroes you can play.
Tho the difference between Brigette and Roadhog is that Road pulls the targets towars him, while Brigittes Flail push the target away from her. They may have alike abilites, but they are still completely different and has different usages
Not to be blunt here pal but … do you REALLY think i dont know the difference between the two?
BTW they are 90% alike: both are a retractable chained weapon that have VERY similar range that is used to force a character out of position.
Yeah at the end one pushes and the other pulls but … thats it.
Junkerqueen could have a hook that she uses to slow the target, maiming and causing a wound for 50 damage (for example) and slowing the target by 20% for 5 seconds (random numbers).
It would not be weird at all … in fact it is REALLY suitable for her brawler role and aspect.
Do you play the game, like at all? Hanzo, Genji, Mei, D.Va, and Symmetra* are all asian. Zenyatta is modeled after buddhist monks (typically asian) and is based out of Nepal.
If anyone needs representation I’d say maybe aboriginal Australians, First Nations/Native Americans or someone Mediterranean
sorry but we need a new anchor tank. I have no problem finding healers in my games, comp or otherwise. It’s always the main tank slot that’s the problem.
I hope someone pointed this out by now (72 posts and all)… I don’t see it with a quick glance… but anyways this entire premise is complete garbage OP. (Sorry?)
It’s OK to want more supports in the game–the game could use more support variety. It’s LUDICROUS to think that players randomly like certain heroes more than others.
The DPS heroes generally do higher damage and feature cool movement abilities. Supports focus on supporting their team–helping them stay alive and boosting teammates’ damage. They are different roles, categorically.
As an example, I main Widow… and I generally dislike playing Ana. I dislike having to waste my time trying to keep feeders alive. I dislike having to aim at easy to hit teammates, and not being rewarded for crits. Same scoped weapon… completely different gameplay. Because one is a DPS. And one is a Support. And it’s not random that I like the DPS hero better.
Guess which of the support roster I enjoy the most? I enjoy Zen… he has nutty damage output if you stay alive and land your shots. I enjoy Lucio… he has awesome feeling movement. It’s not a coincidence. Hold RMBaguette? Autoaim Moira? Healbot.exe? “Sniper” that spams darts close range at teammates most of the time? Please. There is no coincidence here.
If they want a main tank that people will play, they are going to need to deal a bit of burst damage. Winston tickles, Orisa is okay for poking, and Reinhardt needs to be in melee range or land ridiculous skill-shots, one of which that usually puts him grossly out of position. And Hammond, well, half the player base does not even consider him a main tank.
If not, well, you are just going to run into the same problem as Orisa and Reinhardt are practically opposites and that did not address anything. You need some new blood in the role. Normally I am opposed to that, just make tanks that appeal to tanks, right? But the class has so few people playing it that it actually justifies their approach.
That is pretty much what happens.
The playstyle of a particular hero, perhaps multiple, may appeal to someone enough that they dislike all other heroes by comparison.
The more heroes of any archetype there are, the higher the chance that a hero of that archetype will be the one that is most appealing to them.
With me, for example, I found myself liking heroes good for up-close skirmishing.
So my damage main was Mei until the Torb rework, my tank main is Rein, and my healer main (and overall main) is Baguette.
If it wasn’t for Brijeet, I’d be a damage main mostly playing Torb and Mei, but since Bagoota plays similarly and is slightly more fun for me I’m a healer main.
Likewise, I reckon that if Hanzo didn’t exist, a fraction of Hanzo mains would play Zenyetta instead because anyone playing Hanzo for his weapon would probably find Zen’s to be the most similar.