I made a post about a hero like that. Hope one day something like this is added. A hulking beast of a tank that takes coordinated fire to kill.
Or just by getting spammed by random people while unprotected by a team running around stupidly.
You have to keep low and high level play in mind when designing a hero, you can’t have a hero that can only be beaten by a dive because low-level teams don’t know how to do that.
Black Thanos has the issue that he was designed for high-level play, so played well he utterly destroys low-level teams as they don’t know the counterplays.
In low-level play, he targets the main/only healer while all the damage is busy trying to save their own skin, and then with the healer gone he can just tear through the enemy team.
Dont think the number of healers is going to suddenly increase by adding more heroes … you really have to re-think the healer role if you want to make it more appealing instead.
Ana already shoots enemies and allies with the same shot and still DPS wont go Ana so … tricky stuff.
I hope there wll be no hero 29. The balancing keeps getting shi**ier with every new hero.
IF we’re going by that logic they can bring back offensive and defensive dps heroes and add those numbers up to 15 for each.
TBH I want a tank, I wan the people to start playing something other than that noob monkey.
My experience is the opposite, right now if a DPS main has to pick a healer they just pick Ana or Zen and are happy enough using their accuracy to their advantage.
If the DPS mains have to pick Tank then they either want to pick Hog,Zarya or D.va - They try to stay clear of the most important role because none of the main tanks truly benefit from the accuracy requirement and are heavily reliant on strategic decisions which some players can find a bit boring when the most strategic thing to do right that moment is hold up barrier for 10 seconds.
I’d welcome more healers but personally I think we need a complex viable maintank before we get any more healers.
Speak for yourself ,he’s my second most played at 150 hours ,I find him fun and engaging to play. (most played is spy at 200 hours or so)
Though ,I don’t like playing mercy ,it’s just not the same
Now that you say that, I finally understand why Rein players are incapable of not suicidally ramming the enemy.
But yeah, I do want a more strategic tank, something like this:
It is not. There are clear correlations between hero roles and certain demographics. Additionally a very important point for character popularity are their aesthetics and personality.
For the reasons unknown this game’s developers refuse to make tanks in this game attractive, intimidating or simply “cool”. All the tanks but D.Va are goofy comedic reliefs (D.Va too, but she is conveniently attractive). Guess who is community’s favorite tank is?
Similar situation with healers, but not as pronounced - cheerful soccer mom, dj on rolling skates, flimsy flying robo-monk. Moira and Brig are better in this department, but suffer from their gameplay mechanics being too simplistic. Ana has a lot potential, but old female characters are not popular in any media.
Another overlooked factor is gameplay. Healers and tanks in this game are mechanically easy what puts away many players from them. We only have 1 tank and 2 healers who rely on mechanics.
If they add more healers who look as good as McCree, Widow, Genji or Sombra and are as hard to play mechanics-wise, then we will have more healer players.
at least the next 3 heroes should be tank/support. the devs should not be thinking about adding dps until at least both categories have 8/8
I hope they are all DPS.
Honestly tanks would also be fine.
Especially since Torb and Sym seems to get buffed into usability die DPS heroes effectively expand as well.
So that some “Mercy mains” can cry more.
If by healer, you mean Light Machine Gun-wielding Austrian hero who sounds like Arnold Schwarzenegger, then I hope so too.
Theres enough people that play healers, debatably a lot of people dont select healers because of a lack of tanks and a lot of people dont pick tanks because ‘healers’ counter tanks.
Sleep, 'nade, stun, stun is exactly why I dont play tank anymore.
Reinhardt seems like a total badass to me, hardly a comic relief at all, although he can be light-hearted at times.
And Sombra is by far the ugliest hero in the game, except for maybe Moira but she doesn’t count since she’s meant to be deformed.
Otherwise though, I agree.
Also, only two healers and two tanks even seem canonically significant (Reinhardt, Winston, Mercy, and Moira) while only Winston and maybe Reinhardt are canonically pivotal. I reckon how much players hear of a character and know about that character will affect that character’s popularity.
Compare that with the damage heroes: Four are canonically pivotal (Doomfist, Reaper, Widow, and Tracer) and many of the rest are canonically significant.
By “canonically significant” I mean they have a lot of backstory, connections to many things in the game, and maybe even their own cinematic. Not like Ana, who only goes as far as being Pharah’s mom and having Widow as her nemesis.
By “canonically pivotal” I mean references to them appear constantly in canon, they appear somehow connected to half the characters in the game, and they perhaps make numerous appearances in cinematics.
I reckon the only reason there isn’t a 50% pick rate for Doomfist in QP is probably because he’s so hard to play effectively compared to other heroes. He’s aesthetically cool, and takes “canonically pivotal” to the extreme by being treated as a major part of Talon before he was even introduced.
A male + asian + main healer would be a great.
We haven’t got a male char for a while
and so far we got many races except asians (South Asia/East Asia/etc)
and we desparately need a main healer so…
I want:
- a main shield tank with sex appeal (someone people actually want to instalock/make their main)
- Junkerqueen
How 2 teamwork:
Step 1. Group up with your team.
Step 2. Push together as a team.
Basically how to play pretty much every team comp that doesn’t include flankers or divers (with the exception of having D.Va in the team because she can focus on eating some of the damage to sustain the main tank’s barrier for longer).