Nanovirus tank hero

Here’s an idea for a hero with strange gameplay implications:

  • Is a low-health tank (400HP or something)
  • Has a supply of nanovirus, like Moira’s biotic energy. Regenerates its armour (50% of health) based on how much is stored.
  • Can spray nanovirus into the air, forming a mist that gradually disperses (voxel simulation, cells with thick mist spread to cells with thin/no mist, linear decay)
  • Enemy bullets and projectiles entering that mist are weakened (by percentage up to 100%, not linearly) based on how thick the mist is, being consumed by nanovirus. The mist gets thicker based on how much damage is absorbed.
  • Enemies in the mist take damage, allies are healed
  • Nanovirus in the air can be reabsorbed to replenish stores
  • Stored nanovirus can be consumed to enhance one of the hero’s abilities
  • Enhancements can be removed
  • Every enhancement reduces nanovirus storage and regeneration

In short, it’s a hero that can be anywhere on a spectrum between:
-A tank that’s harder to kill the harder you try to kill it, and easy to kill if you don’t try too hard to kill it
-A fat skirmisher that can barely use its main ability

A good unenhanced ability set for it would be melee primary, nanovirus spray secondary, and a flight movement ability. Melee primary because having a decent ranged attack while having a shield that regenerates from absorbing damage would just make this hero a better Orisa. Flight movement ability so that this hero isn’t completely helpless in vertical combat.
A good enhanced ability set for it would be a dash melee (like rocket punch but weaker and capable of punching upwards), nanovirus cannon secondary, and a multi-use ability to dash in any direction including upwards. The emphasis here is on fast vertical melee skirmishing, but also this hero should have at least one ranged option which is why it can upgrade its spray into a cannon.

In terms of how it would affect gameplay, this hero is perfect for holding ground after a team wipe ult. It should survive the initial ult since it’s a flying tank like, and once it’s heavily outgunned it becomes challenging to kill since the more damage you try to force through a nanovirus mist the less gets through and the more it heals anyone hiding inside it.
It’s also great for saving slower heroes from barrages, as one quick spray of nanovirus onto a Bastion or Torb turret and each incoming storm arrow is weaker than the last.

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Will support the idea.

But only if they have “Nanomachines son!” as a voice line somewhere :joy:

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Well, now my mental image is ruined.