I have very little faith in OW2

The best way I have heard blizzard described, is that they make great games, but they are terrible at maintaining them.

It’s amazing the things people are allowed to say online. There really should be some kind of aptitude test people have to pass to use the internet.

Why on earth do you think “management” cares about which heroes are popular, but game devs don’t care about that? They literally make the heroes, of course they care. No one tells Geoff Goodman how to make heroes, that’s beyond absurd. As a hero designer, he does want to make cool, popular heroes that fit well into the game. Not because he is told to, but because that is literally his job. What else would he do? You think that if they were left alone by “management” (whatever you think that means) that they would make heroes nobody likes? Why?? And how would that be better anyway?

I truly have no idea what you people are even talking about. It’s like a bunch of toddlers trying to decipher what their dad does at work all day. It’s so far off I don’t even know how to start explaining to you.

Like I said already, the use of the word “hype” and “sales” and being “free” is 100% relevant mate. Even if you dont believe that, the fact still remains:
There is ZERO need for hype with OW2 if you only like the PvP part.

If you are talking about the PvE stuff, sure. But then again, the hype needed for that would be like … 50% ? or something compared to the Hype needed/required for a completely new game like Cyberpunk or Biomutant.

Thats all there is :man_shrugging:

You can still be hyped about something even though it’s free you know. People are hyped for events in OW1 already, and they’ve been free as well. Also I used “selling point” in the context of it being aspects of OW2 that gets people exited about the upcoming release. That’s why I said it being free or not is irrelevant. People can still be hyped about it.

They care in different ways. While developers want all heroes to be equally popular, managers want opposite - to have current popular heroes to be everywhere. Different goals, you know.

This is not how OW works. There’s an argument that other games, that release paid heroes, operate this way. OW hasn’t had a new hero in over a year, literally no one besides the actual devs and players care who is popular. It does not affect anything money-related, at all. No one gets richer or poorer based on the hero balance of a 5 year old game where all heroes are free.

I feel like I’m losing my mind over here. I don’t know how anyone gets to this level of being incorrect. It’s actually incredible. If anything, they’d prefer to have the first hero ever developed, Tracer, the face of the game, be the most popular. Literally the opposite of what you’re saying.

You can’t lose what you never had, because it’s exactly how it works. All people, that use Overwatch heroes in ads, merch, etc. do become richer or poorer, depending from currently popular heroes.

Imagine, that I want to make t-shirts with Symmetra. It would be bad idea - she isn’t popular, so my t-shirts would mostly remain at warehouses and I would waste money on making them.

You think game design decisions are made based on ads that feature the heroes? Are you high??

Yes, they are, especially if you got control over developers. Keep being shocked.

When popularity of McCree, for instance, will start to decline, he will be sent to trash can and someone else will emerge as new top. Which will eventually happen, when literally everyone will be fed up with McCree in everything Overwatch-related.

This is simply not how any of this works. I don’t know how else to say it, so I’m done talking here. Continuing this conversation is bad for my mental health. I’m taking psychic damage at an extremely dangerous rate by talking to you.

I want to like your posts, but you’re kinda rude to Cleopatra. Would you mind toning that down so that I can give you some blue hearts? Thank you. :slight_smile:

Let them keep their faith, that developers are working in interests of players, rather than their superiors.

Heroes get kicked out of meta, not because developers “finally” managed to put them down, but because someone got bored with them, and their presence now leads to reduction of views, rather than boost. It happens in different time with different heroes.


We have developers saying they want to double down on the shooter roots in a game where noone is playing for the shooting but the abilities. That is what makes overwatch special and they are not focusing on this aspect. How can you with a straight face think this isn’t going to negatively affect the game?

It’s called exaggerating.


You don’t understand the CoD with healing/abilities complaint fundamentally, but ok. I mean the new push mode looks like it plays similarly to TDM to me. They want the game to be less visually intensive, CC free, and more focused on damage than other roles. The pacing will definitely be closer to a generic shooter vs what it has been. You can like these changes if you want but not everyone is so excited. It feels like they’re taking a lot of the uniqueness out in favor of being more similar to generic shooters; even it still hasn’t literally become CoD with healing.


Yeah, that’s something they’ve talked about from the beginning, the balance between abilities and pure FPS mechanics. That’s not new. You do know McCree has been in the game since launch, right? And Widowmaker? Soldier 76, sound familiar?

Citation needed.

Because they aren’t giving Doomfist an assault rifle. They aren’t turning Wrecking Ball into Master Chief. That’s not happening. This is baseless paranoia from people desperate to be mad about something, even if they have to invent it out of thin air.

They are not turning OW into Call of Duty. You may as well panic that OW2 is going to be a full-fledged RPG, since they are adding RPG systems. “They are ruining OW by turning into Final Fantasy!!! Change is always bad and new things frighten us!!!”

OW2 is going to be closer to an RPG than what it currently is, too. But it would be moronic to panic that it’s turning into Final Fantasy. Or that the game is losing what makes it special. Get a grip.

The PVE will be closer to a RPG maybe.

And yes, the game is losing some of what makes it special to me. You don’t get to dictate to me what I find special about Overwatch.

Good grief, this is a discussion on the internet, people are going to disagree with you. My god, if you are this soft, log off.

Get off your ego trip and high horse my man.

Classic whiny brat gamer move. Can’t defend your point, so you throw a tantrum about how no one is allowed to disagree with you. So predictable. See you when OW2 comes out, I know you’ll all buy it on day one, no matter what you’re crying about now.