I have reached Plat for the very first time

We did it. We got there :clap:

The very next match, I ended up in demotion protection, but I had huge momentum all the way up to here. My W/L/D today on Support was 7/2/1. I don’t think it’s going to just hit a wall all of a sudden


Congrats, you are now beyond the point of No return, the higher elo you go the less fun you will have


I envy you. I was almost there about 2-3 weeks ago, right on the cusp of Plat, just 1 more win, but I got stomped all the way back to Gold 5. Dropped the game there and hadn’t played it until today with these new drives, but things haven’t gotten any better. Serves me right for trying comp again.

Hitting walls all of a sudden is the comp experience OP, so I just hope it wasn’t a drag to get there and that you don’t fall off. Did I mention I envy you? Probably hate you too. Jk.

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That’s not true. The game actually gets fun once you get to Diamond 2 or higher. People start to understand the game at that point. Diamond 2 and Masters is fun. GM is super sweaty.


You dropped because you were playing while tilted, the same thing happens to me. That’s why I recommend after getting 2 loses in a row, take break from comp and play an un-ranked mode (quick-play, arcade, custom). Continuing to play tilted will just increase your losing streak, that’s how one season I went from Plat to Silver. :sweat_smile:


Congrats! But be prepared games will continue to be equally as bad

Huh… I thought drives would be harder to get, but it seems like you manage to get through them rather quickly.


Hehehehe. It just so happens that my idea of fun is what a lot of people consider to be “sweating” :smiling_imp:

Increasingly less chance of newbies placing into the rank the higher I go though :v:

Thankfully, I’ve been steadily maintaining a 60%+ winrate on Support this season for a little while now. A combination of getting coached on the forums, some minor upgrades to my setup, doing focused aim training, and finally the midseason patch caused me to start climbing rapidly. That momentum is still going, so as a bonus the Drive is going great for me so far

(Also I played a few games on DPS before jumping on Support. It didn’t go nearly as well, but I still got a couple of checkpoints from that)


it will

the loss streak will hit any time now
followed by another win streak up to Plat

at least that’s what happens to me over and over and over again

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Huge. I remember your reaching gold post and you doubting if you’d reach plat.

Next stop diamond ez :+1:


Let’s gooo :muscle::sunglasses:

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Yup, that’ll do it. Makes sense now.

…? Correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t you play brig? lol

Good job! Keep bashing people’s faces in!

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Whipshot takes aim and is the main way to prock Inspire. It makes sense


I do, but my other main is Weaver, and I also have Juno and Bap as part of my core lineup. I also flex to others, especially Ana and Kiri, as needed. Brig is actually second to my Weaver in comp playtime

Even Brig can make use of aim training, though. I’m not ALWAYS whipping the tank; I land Whip Shots on distant squishies pretty frequently too

Actually, I have a replay from yesterday where I landed some cool whips. I should get that one recorded and show it off


Lifeweaver players can’t reach plat silly they just sit in the back of the map and spam heals.

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I’ve reached plat only once , played one game and went back to gold thanks to people smurfing and diamonds matched vs me. Cool experience. Next season I just do the placements XD

beside this gg to you.

You’ll be pleased to know that the match that pushed me up to Plat was indeed a Weaver match. That was such a satisfying detail


YES!!! I’m so glad I’m not the only one

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I can’t… I can’t believe ya started like low to mid silver when I meet you, your your actually considered average at the game now if not borderline great, like your someone who knows what there doing at the very least.

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