Isn’t this your alt?
I deranked last night from Silver 2 almost Silver 1 to Silver 3. Good job! I know I don’t normally care much about the numbers, but it’s nice to see that you get better… Eventually. This is only on DPS though, I haven’t exactly… Uhh… Finished placements on Tank and Supp because I don’t want to deal with that mound of stress.
I also just hit plat for the first time (in a few years that is) but in the opposite direction
I don’t remember being low Silver in RQ on Support, but I was definitely hovering firmly around mid-to-high. I was not at all expecting to climb so much so quickly
I really feel a lot more like I know what I’m doing now though. Sometimes I feel so calm when I’m going over a plan in my head mid-match, it feels like we’ve already taken the objective (or prevented them from getting there, I guess)
No I’m not his alt. I am a Canadian woman who has never once joined voice chat and doesn’t even own a PS4 (or PS5; not sure which one he plays OW on)
No worries, I’ve never touched Tank in OW2 comp yet either
Yeah I got to thinking it was mid to high cause I don’t remember you being on the verge of bronze.
Honestly I feel you on the subject of improvement. In retrospect, I am doing things I could never even have thought of a month ago. I usually play Junkrat, and I find myself throwing traps in flanker spots or in doorways or tight hallways. I play on console, and have issues with some more precision aim heroes thanks to how the sticks work. Therefore, I usually play heroes with less… Mechanical input necessary on the ground level, and yet I’m astonished at how mechanically demanding Junkrat can be. Hitting direct shots is difficult, especially when you’ve bopped someone or you’re both moving in opposite directions.
I’m never seen such horrible responses in my life.
Don’t listen to the forum kiddies, congrats!
Good job, OP.
Especially so because there were times when I really felt through your threads how down you were about your rank. Kudos for not giving in to despair.
Good job, OP! Hope you get the next rank soon! And if not, Plat is still a very decent rank.
Alright, that Brig replay is finally done cooking. I landed a few pretty sweet whips on squishies in this match IMO
I also somehow missed the occasional whip on the tank but meh. 73% WS accuracy and 46% Inspire uptime says I did fine
My Weaver also makes an awkward guest appearance into like 2 surprise counters towards the middle
Actually, I feel like people seem to be in a pretty good mood on average in this thread. Still, thank you
Thank goodness I think those days are probably over. My confidence in my own gameplay abilities has gone up a lot. Back then, I was actually quite convinced that I was clueless, AND that my mechanics were awful. I don’t really believe either of those things anymore. It’s a big relief
Nice job!
nice, i finally reached masters 5 just playing only juno, my brother only plays lifeweaver and hes diamond 2. hes mostly a heal bot weaver but hes saved so many with his pulls and petals, i just perma use his petals as juno to always stay above the field.
Didn’t you just make a post a few weeks ago that you climbed out of silver? Then you fell back to silver and felt super defeated?
Congrats on being one of the people that don’t need to put in effort to climb. You’ll be GM by February.
Nicely done. If I were to give some advice based on what I see(as someone who doesn’t play comp), I’d advise a little more awareness of your audible surroundings. At 1:19 you can hear the Cass who was just to your left start walking around the corner for a flank, in which he duels your Cass in the backline for a bit before getting diffed.
Learning footsteps and specific gun (or in this case, ability) sounds is something I picked up on from playing Rainbow Six Siege that’s really useful for being aware of your surroundings.
Last thing, I was inspired by this post to try a few solo games of comp today and did well (performance wise) in all of my games. I think I won 4 of 6 matches… just to realize that competitive drive points can’t be earned until after you do placements. Oh well.
Nice job. : ) Keep it up.
Good news, everyone. I didn’t fall back down yet; I just got a comfortable win as my first match of the night
Congrats for you two as well I just had a Weaver game with a Juno as my co-support now too, and we crushed it. My playstyle is more aggro though
Has your brother ever done the thing on payload attack where you seal off the enemy’s favored spawn door with tree? It’s awesome. I just had a HUGE one of those in my last match
I forget exactly how it went, but yes, I was in Silver not that long ago at all. At the time I felt like it might have been the rank I belonged at, too, but then after making some key adjustments and such the climbing started
It definitely did take effort though, both in the actual matches, and in all the off-time spent aim training, studying replays, etc. I also spent a lot of time learning about Weaver’s kit and interactions specifically, because there’s so much depth to the plays you can make with him. I got a lot of input here on the forums, especially from Ayanga. He played a huge part in helping me climb like this too
As for an example of the in-match efforts, I remember one fairly recent match where I squeezed out a win despite our Hog playing into practically an entire team of counters and getting melted constantly. Pretty sure a lot of people would have given up on that one
Right, I just checked out the part in question. I’m usually very good at reacting to sounds, but I definitely missed that one in the chaos there. I also know a part around the same time where I should have camped the Rez on the enemy Cass. This has been happening quite often with me lately; I keep forgetting when the enemy has a Mercy
And good job on your comp wins, even if it didn’t count for the event. Personally, I find Comp more enjoyable to play than QP (on Support, at least) because of the matchmaking being better on average
Congrats. Thats dedication
In plat the cheaters go up by like 100%. He will see.
hit diamond a season ago and its genuinely surprising that no matter how high you go you will still run into people who have 0 clue as to what they’re doing or how they got as far as they did
No, if it took effort the fixes wouldn’t have immediately worked. People don’t understand what it’s like to actually hit a roadblock. I’m glad things worked for you though.