I have finally do it boys! MADE IT TO DIAMOND

i dont know how i did tbh, i just started playing, Filling what the team needed… and then i rid a large winstreak., almost winning 6 - 8 games in a row

i dont know if that was because i was actually really good after so much QP play, or i got lucky

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Tom Powers, This is off-topic and I have got to ask. What is the specs of the gaming hardware that you are testing this game on. I’d REALLY like to know. Please and most certainly thank you, if you could share that with us. :slight_smile:


I have no clue what that means but well done! :+1:



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hey tom ive been reporting this bug for months now and its still in the game
can you do somethkng about it?
it take 2 or more clicks on tab to change the chat channel (color)

¡Ascenso! sounds majestic af

good for you but… This elo is pretty toxic especially against people who play off meta heroes. but it’s still nice to see that people enjoy reaching their goals

Yeah, “only”, thats a lot of time spent on one hero, I have like 4 or 5 heroes that have less than half an hour difference .

ah diamond congratz

but prepare to get flamed 24/7 though

Yes…because…you know…

I only played a little amount of hours in comp…so the timeframe is small…

My team needed a support…so i picked one…

LOL Keep on posting Tom! It’s good to have Blizzard staff here to give us positive morale!

Congratulations, Magey. =)

lololol that first exclamation point throw you off??