I Have a Question

In the off-chance a Dev is reading this… I’ll just spit it out now.

Why update so slow?

We as a community have been asking this forever. I’ve never seen an in-depth reply, though, barely one at all. But why do you update so slowly on games like Overwatch and Hearthstone? (I imagine other Blizz games as well)

For high Competitive potential, updates need to be quick, at least quicker than on a 1-3 month process. Look at the others. LoL, Dota, CS:GO (not regularly updated anymore because CS:GO is balanced pretty much) hell, even Fortnite.

Competitive games cannot last as long as intended if you don’t update it faster, don’t patch bugs. Let’s take some examples.

Overwatch: Sombra, and many other characters’ bugs that haven’t been patched for MONTHS.
Overwatch: Insufferable months of terrible meta’s and unbalanced (whether UP or OP characters) heroes.
Hearthstone: EXTREMELY slow updates for nerfs. (See Cubelock, Crystal Core Rogue, Pirate Warrior, Midrange Shaman)

There are off the top of my head, I’m sure I can think of more.

Now, such a small, niche indie company can’t possibly have a highly productive dev teams with updates every 2-3 weeks or so, right? /s

Blizzard is so highly profitable it’s ridiculous. Look at Hearthstone, that just had a (hype-filled and very exciting) expansion released. 80$ for 80 packs, a golden legendary, and hero portrait. 80$ sounds like a lot, right? Of course it is, but I, and MANY others are going to buy it. So many people play Hearthstone to where the SHOP is barely working on expansion day. There is no lack of money in Blizzard’s vaults.

I get it, capitalism, more money, money, blah blah. But Blizzard you’re failing to see having a better and more productive Dev team will INCREASE money, because more people wanna play it.

Let’s look at Fortnite (I know, I know, bad comparison, whatever.) Epic Games is way smaller than Blizzard on a company scale, yet theyre the most played video game right now about, make tons of money, and guess what? Updates come every week or two.

Updating a game and keeping it balanced, fun, and fresh = more people playing it which = MORE MONEY.

I stopped playing a couple weeks ago because the game isn’t fun anymore to me. t isn’t, and people can agree that sometimes, most of the time, it ISN’T fun. Other people have definitely quit to, whether they whine on the forums before doing it or not.

What would DEFINITELY get be back into this game is more regular updates, refining the game, making ti better, having it stay balanced, I would, and others would surely come back.

Now, I love Overwatch. I love it so much. The last thing I want is this game to crash and burn or die. I just want to play it again and have fun.

I love you, Blizzard. I love you so much.

There is always room for improvement.

Forum Moderator Note: Calling out the development team in your title or post is against our forum guidelines. Please focus on discussion of the feedback in your thread.


New patches are around 500 to 700 megabytes, with some patches as much as 13 Gigabytes. Even with the fastest of Internet Connections it takes time to download. That is why update is so slow.

Okay trolling aside…

Now if you are asking why updates as in new patches are few and thin? They have their reasons. I will pull up a blue post for you in a bit.

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You cheeky [Edited by Blizzard] lol

Forum Moderator Note: While this was meant in good fun, masked language is still not allowed on the forums for any reason. :frowning:

edit: sorry, wrong thread!

Lack of content has always been a formal complaint here, releasing content is not on blizzard radar. Wish they were like HiRez, Paladins is getting another champion. (33) and 3 more maps.

you do realize that blizzards games have individual teams, no?

SMITE and LoL is a great example. between 90-120 Gods/Champions and VERY balanced (in comparison to Overwatch, Luck Foki), and we’re sitting here with 28 and clear unbalancing in place that plagues this game for months on end.

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Okay found the darn big post from Papa Jeff from one year and 3 days ago. Please read this…

Source: Overwatch Forums

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Like I said, we have complained about this, they don’t even care for consoles.


Blizzard’s reason for slow updates is that they only tweak 1-3 characters at a time every 2 months or so because they want to closely monitor those changes and see how they turn out.

This is of coarse sucks. There is no reason we couldnt have frequent updates with small changes to a lot of the characters that need tweaks.
I mean we can make these changes to characters damage or cooldowns in a custom game. It doesnt take high payed game developer to do this. It isnt something that should be hard to do.

They probably don’t update as often because they have to pay to update the console versions of overwatch as well.

Because if they do it slowly, they get to keep up the charade known as PTR.

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20 characters

Edit: For some real knowledge behind what I say, SMITE is the same on console (granted some update delays) but it has an entire legitimate competitive scene behind it. HiRez is also WAY smaller than Blizzard.


I will note that SMITE and League of Legends are MOBAs, Overwatch works very differently. Yes, even considering the devs can change numerical values like damage dealt or the likes.

Still competitive games that are wildly popular. You can’t compare them directly, but it’s more of a look that this smaller company with a still VERY large playerbase can keep their playerbase more happy and the game more balanced, but Blizzard can’t nearly as well.

Unfortunately I must view that as a matter of opinion. I just took a peek at SMITE’s official forums right now and I see just as much hyperbole and banter for that game in those forums as I see here.

If you want to see how much life Overwatch has, I encourage you to look at places where we as a community have fun with Overwatch. For example, watching an Overwatch League match live is one of the most thrilling experiences you can do as a fan of Overwatch, not because of the competition itself, but because of its community. Same goes with attending an Overwatch Flash Ops event at your local Microsoft Store or visiting a convention that has the Overwatch Payload Tour stopping by.

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Is because game balance is not high priority to overwatch developers boss.

Just see…

  • tank meta 4.months
  • dive meta 1 year
  • no mercy = no win 6 months.
  • Pharahmercy on console… 2 years?
  • grav + hanzo+ mercy 3 months.

Anyway the problems arent the meta. The real problem is the duration of each meta. Play the same stale meta for a minimum of 3 months…

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  1. I don’t go outside much for (very) personal reasons.
  2. I do watch the OWL regularly. Extremely excited for the Playoffs today/
  3. Basing everything off looking at FORUMS?! Cmon, both of us know that’s a stupid thing to do that doesn’t work. You gotta play a lot to really know.

I have not played Smite, but I do regularly play other games (Blizzard Games and other publisher’s), every game has strengths and weaknesses and many support a unique and healthy community. But each game is different in some way. Overwatch is successful, and today it is better than ever. Balance does take a while but I believe Overwatch benefits better because of it. Again as Jeff said, change for the sake of change is not always a good thing.

More or less change for the sake of it being a really fun game to play.

Also, Overwatch peak has been long passed. It definitely isn’t better than ever. From a veterans viewpoint, it was season 2-5. Good times, makes me tear up thinking about it.