I hate role queue in quickplay,

Thanks for the insight :smiley:

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Or it could just be people want to play dps the most and giving them only 33% of the available slots is bad for games long term health.

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It’s more than people just wanting to play DPS the most. I’m a DPS main and even I want balanced games. Playing DPS isn’t worth playing DPS if the enemy team has a balanced comp and we literally have zero heals.

For the people who are okay with that go play quick play classic. If a sizable portion of people agree with you then you’ll have plenty of company there. If you don’t then that speaks for itself about what the playerbase wants.

Can’t have it both ways, everyone is free to make the choice of what type of game they want.

It’s the complete opposite, maybe it does for you, but not for the majority.

Then play Paladins? There is also QP classic there, you have plenty of options.

Weakest argument you’ve made so far.

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quick play classic is such a joke, its not even actually “classic” no limits is the real damn classic


Maybe Blizzard could go further and have a 1-1-1-1-1-1 meta
(Main tank)-(Off tank)-(Sniper)-(Damage)-(Heals)-(Support)


They do need another category for close range heroes and utilities. Flankers for close range heroes and utilities for heroes like Symmetra, Mei and Sombra. Then the game could breathe a bit more on that extent.

I would really love to bring out a counterpoint to the OP but I don’t see how complaining about hero design is a quickplay issue. Personally I love the fact that now my high tier games are filled with players who can play their respective roles properly and the lowest I’ve seen the system reach is a diamond Brigitte main in +4k game. Most of the QPlayers have always respected the fact that even in QP you’re required to play the game properly or you’re eligible to be reported for gameplay sabotage so I’ve seen nothing but happy players, more “ggs” at the end of a game, more positivity and more endorsements flying around than ever

It was expected right from the beginning that the QP MMR brackets are going to get harder after role queue because instead of seeing multiple DPS players fighting over Widow, Genji, Tracer and Doomfist you’re now going to see 2 actual tank players, 2 actual healers and 2 actual DPS in every game and even if you’re a 2300MMR player (the very average) when those players aren’t playing their role it’s likely that they’re still higher MMR players which means that even though they can’t play that hero their game sense, positioning and movement is going to be a lot better. It’s one of the things that a role queue fixes

I find it a much nicer feeling now and for your kind of playstyle there is still the QPC mode in the arcade which unlike LFG allows for proper matchmaking without having to wait pre-match for a team to get together and then just leave again or get kicked for whatever reason…

However, you can have multiple builds and tools in the game to help you deal with various enemy heroes.
This counteracts the issue of hero switching because while a hero may hard counter you, you can choose a card set or abilities during the match to deal with that hero.

EG. As a support in Paladins and they have a Skye, I will take the revealing trait so I can attack her before she gets the jump on me.
If they have a really strong flanker, I’ll take a card set and trait line that makes me a touch more survivable so I can live longer to do my job.

So, in my opinion it isn’t really worse that you don’t know what the enemy picks, if anything I think being stuck to a hero means you choose what you want and are more likely to pick for your team from the start and then after you find out what the enemy has, you will take the time to pick tools to make sure you are strong as you can be if they have one of your strongest counters.

Often I see people choose 1 tank, 1 support and 3 of the damage types and making sure that there is at least 1 flanker and 1 damage in those 3 choices in Paladins.

I think that says a lot. They are given the freedom of choosing ANYTHING at the start and yet they don’t tend to choose all 5 roles as a DPS, etc. Being restricted to the one option from the start means more team oriented choices.

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A great detailed explanation. :+1:

It’s unfortunate many players don’t view it that way and rather take a small insight instead of the large picture that should be looked at.

I know of no valid data to support the claim of a majority


If it isnt permanently available, statements like the above fall flat

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I feel when they use this “majority” phrase. They know they’re wrong, but want to sound as if it’s true. They don’t use observation or see the whole picture hence why I created the tag “False Hype Players Club”

That’s how you know they don’t understand the whole picture. Overall role queue feels suffocating and telling a player go to arcade isn’t going to fix the solution. What I have discovered in role queue that there’s a lot of bad players who haven’t even train in other roles no matter what role I play. The other major discovering is that a lot of heroes aren’t built for this 2/2/2.

Only a few or at least 12 heroes. The game isn’t design for this mode and that’s why the game lacks due to slow tweaks and proper tweaks at that. If anything all I see is more cheese added on cheese. #Barrierwatch a.k.a creativity is dead.


Hey everyone as a friendly reminder, Quick Play Classic is also now available in the arcade:

Yeah? For how long? How many gametypes end up being in Arcade permanently?

I absolutely hate this change. I can’t think of anything less fun than restricting the characters that people are allowed to pick in a match, and it absolutely blows my mind that a change like this was actually implemented solely because peoples’ jimmies were so rustled that they thought the game should dictate which characters other people were able to play.

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You might want to get up to date in this post:

you cant ask them questions. the overlords dont let them give honest answers lol.

OK, cool. But long-term ≠ permanent. Either way, why is the dumb restricted variant the default instead of being relegated to Arcade? Why was any consideration AT ALL given when people expressed a desire to limit which characters OTHER PEOPLE could play?

This is an inherently bad thing for the game. Bad players choosing healer or tank and playing them as DPS means that you’re down that role for the entire match. Good players picking a particular role and realising that the team needs something else means that they just have to watch their team lack in that area for the entire match because there’s nothing they can do about it. This is asinine.