It’s a good job that Rein is so highly played then
His projectile speed IS slow, you can easily dodge it. Junkrat has to predict where you are moving to.
Only thing slower is sym orbs, good luck hitting that too.
I am getting the feeling a lot of these complaints are coming from people who cant aim themselves, and are losing to junkrat because he does more damage per hit in their purely luck duel.
While true, the speed being important is fairly range dependant. If Junk has managed to get into close-mid range his projectiles are fast enough that reactively dodging stops being a thing and is instead replaced with unpredictable movements.
Then we also need to consider positioning, maps and timing. A well positioned Junk can exploit his opponents positioning, even if it’s only for a short time, to output a huge amount of damage.
Then we move onto mid range duels and yes, it is possible to reactively dodge Junks nades here. That itself does require focus though and can be difficult in a team fight.
So…Yes, his projectiles are slow and can be dodged but the circumstances when that’s a thing depend on the map, rank and situation. It’s not a solid way to refute arguments against Junk as it’s situational.
A situation where half the roster is still vastly more dangerous than junkrat where junkrat should have an advantage given his kit.
You’ll need to clarify as I’m unsure what you mean?
Junkrat does not do anything better than any of the other dps. Mei is now better at chokes with the rush meta, as is hanzo spamming corners. Hanzo and mcree are vastly superior at breaking shields.
What advantage does junkrat have over other picks?
Actually I disagree. Junk is the best dps at outputting high amounts of damage without needing to risk putting himself in danger as he can shoot from outside LOS. Now, i’m not saying that strength is enough to make him a great pick most of the time but it is a strength that Junk has over the rest of the dps roster.
So the sole advantage junkrat has anymore, is depending solely on luck based spam?
That… is sad.
I also dislike JR but not for the reasons you stated…
My biggest annoyance is that when you get close he just throws a bomb in your face and jumps 30 feet away haha.
I personally think he should take SOME damage from his mines. Sort of the same problem as McCree. Fine spamming at long range and then a fairly solid defense at close range against most close range dps.
It being luck based instead of consistent is part of what separates average from great Junks. You’re confusing not seeing your target with your target not being able to see you.
If you are out of LoS of them, so are they out of LoS from you, so you are literally just blind firing in their general direction.
Not really.
Once again it comes down to consistency. If it’s consistent, it’s not luck. You dont need to see your target for every single second due to sounds and already knowing where they are from seeing them beforehand. Think of it as an extension of predicting your opponents movements with Junks primary in a duel.
Dont give me that crap, I play junkrat. I know what you are trying to describe as I do it myself, and I can fully recognize I am depending almost entirely on luck. I am being forced to hide and return fire, I am trying to make the best of a bad situation. Depending on luck to get something done before I am forced to switch.
Which is why you’ve never become consistent at it.
Oh okay mr GM player, so consistent with his lack of LoS on the enemy he can use his echolocation to spam his grenades.
What is your SR at? I want to hear the tips of a pro level junkrat on what I am doing wrong.
Junkrat is best spammer with a high reward for relatively mininal skill on top with Hanzo. He is also best at breaking shields, up there with Bastion and Hanzo.
Junkrat used to be at the top at breaking shields, not the case anymore. He is still good at it, but he doesnt have the follow up that hanzo and mcree do, AND they are just straight up better at breaking shields to begin with.
Overbuff- damage per match average for the month for GM only and entire ladder.
I agree, but the person I responded to said that Junk couldn’t deal as much sustained damage as hitscan, and I’m just pointing out that is false.
What in the world?!
Stop making up straw man arguments! Stop inventing things I never said, and then going on long winded rants about how wrong I am. Read, then read it again; because you’re like the fifth person to do this. Either junk mains have the reading comprehension of a middle schooler or you guys are WAY too overzealous.
Let me help you out. I NEVER said anywhere on this thread that:
- Junk is currently a strong character.
- Junk needs nerfs.
- Junk is easy to climb to and play in GM/top500
- Junk has a low skill ceiling.
Still with me? I never said any of those things, so stop arguing as if I did.
I said only that Junk has an extreamly low skill floor, and he gets more inherent value out of spamming over hitscan can. That’s it. Junk can get more value from turning off your monitor and holding primary fire at a choke, then a hitscan character would. Period.
Intellectually bereft is listing Soldiers damage by using perfect accuracy and a 100% crit rate in a conversation about spam damage. If Soldier is perfectly tracking a character’s head for an entire magazine…it’s not spam.
…get over yourself. You take this mess FAR too seriously.
I assume you mean on my Junk one trick account? Masters. Not that rank has anything to do with it. You’re just wrong when you say that Junk can only ever rely on luck.
You are just wrong if you think lobbing grenades over cover is anything other than mostly relying on luck.