I hate how people see Bastion as an opportunity not a threat in FFA

And that is a prime example of a double standard folks


Don’t call people out on a double standard when it isnt one

Dunno about you but saying that a hero should be UP bc you find then cheesy sounds very unfair to me

As finding a hero cheesy is subjective

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Then why introduce a hero like that in the first place? He has a place in the game, and he should be up there along the likes of other heroes rather than being complete crap right now.


Idk? Would you rather have 12 heroes that were balanced
28 heroes
and only about 12 are at the top
All 28 heroes will never be balanced

unfair =/= double standard

cheese= unfun to play against

dying=unfun too so I think that argument is kind of bad.

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Qualifying a hero as unfun is already subjective

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28, because that would give them all the potential to be good.

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Lol i was defining what i was reffering to as “cheese”

Oh, it was much longer on console.

you said cheese is unfun, I define dying as unfun too that doesn’t mean we should nerf the TTK.

Yeah, ignoring a bastion to engage someone else usually ends up in a death prefaced by a THPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPTTH noise.

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Qualifying a hero as underpowered is already subjective

being picked less than 1% of the time is objective though, I win. His winrate is also negative in GM and Bronze.

You could literally poll the ow population if they have a fun time playing against bastion. I encourage you to do that

UP is based on facts

His low pickrate and winrate say this

That is actually a logical fallacy know as the composition/division fallacy

Who has fun playing against anyone?

I find tracer cheesy but that doesnt mean that she must stay underpowered or be nerfed?