I hate how people see Bastion as an opportunity not a threat in FFA

This is the way it goes in FFA
walks in on a Brigitte and a Reaper fighting

both proceed to absolutely and completely ignore eachother and see who can steal the Bastion kill the fastest

They didn’t even give eachother a second look it was just a 180 kill the Bastion. Normally that makes sense but the fact that everyone just forgets everyone else exists and it’s just everyone against the Bastion. People try and steal kills in FFA so they try their hardest to steal it from everyone else as soon as Bastion shows up.


Playing bastion in FFA made me realize why he sucks still. It’s that horrible spread on the mini gun and the lack of headshots. It makes him so useless because there’s hardly any ability to be good at aiming and so secure kills. It’s basically an RNG crap shoot. They should reduce his spread, reduce his damage and give him back headshots.

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He’s literally a cheese hero. No one should care to much about a specfiic hero


except the cheese can be taken down by similar teamwork.

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so? i never said it couldnt.
honestly no one cares about bastion except bastion mains
let him be the cheese

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How about no. “only you care and I agree he’s bad so let’s leave him bad” is a horrible argument


dude what do you want?
remember when bastion was meta?
was that good for the game?


Ignoring bastion is a really bad idea though.


Bastion’s minigun can shred you instantly if not careful. Even if you have to team up with an enemy to do it, the instinct of focus firing Bastion and other mobile targets has been ingrained since day one. Some heroes just thrive in FFA while others don’t, it’s a terrible indicator of a hero’s value for every mode. Reaper is supposedly horrid in base 6v6 modes, but he dominates the Deathmatch scene. Bastion is the opposite- it does fantastic when protected in a team environment (given the right circumstances, every hero is situational) but on its own in FFA it’s a big target with slow mobility that won’t get far beyond surprise attacks without a friendly tank shield.


it lasted a week.


Did people have fun? was it fun to play against? No.

There are hundreds of changes they could do stop focusing on the one single change that didn’t work.

Bastion was never meta lol

We just want him to not be trash

Say what you want but all heroes need to be viable, stop pulling double standards


Can you enlighten me to when I had a double standard?

But the CORE of his identity as a character is being stationary. In order to be effective/meta while stationary you either have to do hella dps or be insanely hard to kill which is insanely not fun to play against.

Honestly, making him balanced where not being stationary I am ok with, but then people would say that isnt bastion anymore

This. When I see a Hog nearby I run away. When I see a Bastion nearby I can’t really let him sit in that corner and potentionally shoot me in the back sooner or later. Now a Bastion that’s not setup in a good sentry spot, I usually let them be. I met a funny Bastion yesterday - I threw a Hello at him every time I saw him out of sentry and disengaged, and I could hear a distant Hello beeping from him every time :smile:


You said this:

Your essentially saying he shouldnt be viable bc he’s cheesy if im not misunderstanding


I think you’re thinking of it the wrong way. They killed you because if they didn’t, you would have probably killed them both. They don’t see you as an easy kill, you’re a priority kill.

You can’t let a Bastion set up, you just can’t. So people don’t think “how can I steal this free Bastion kill” they think “Oh shoot, we have to kill bastion first or he’ll kill us both.”

You’re the greater threat. The common threat.

This. If there’s a bastion set up and I can’t get out of LOS immediately, he has to die first.

Bastion is still a force to be reckoned with in Recon form. That is, if your aim is anything decent.