I hate how people see Bastion as an opportunity not a threat in FFA

You could literally poll the ow population if they have a fun time playing against bastion. I encourage you to do that

UP is based on facts

His low pickrate and winrate say this

That is actually a logical fallacy know as the composition/division fallacy

Who has fun playing against anyone?

I find tracer cheesy but that doesnt mean that she must stay underpowered or be nerfed?

But I’m not arguing that he isn’t UP?

Here are 2 polls what people think should be buffed and the amount of people that responded should be good enough to show you people do want him buffed which means they don’t think he’s “unfun”. If they thought he were “unfun” they wouldn’t have voted.

Non-Bastion Players:

Bastion Players:

Also here’s this gigantic thread: Bastion is being forgotten with over 3k posts and 265 likes

Here’s this thread about reverting Bastion sentry on the old forums with 272 likes and 40 dislikes: Overwatch Forums

So yeah, hundreds of people who care enough to respond and who also want a buff have responded in more than one place. That’s a good indicator that people who care enough to even talk about Bastion don’t find him unfun to play against. The one on the old forums is an even better way to show this because it’s 272 vs 40 in favor of old Bastion.

There have been actual polls on if people think he needs changes and there were hundreds of responses and multiple threads with massive amounts of likes and one that’s 3k+ posts long.


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'Fraid to say it, but a lone bastion is usually a free kill in any mode. Not just FFA.

the number of people is irrelevant if you don’t know the percentage

can you please stop using logical fallacies?
this is called the texas sharpshooter fallacy and it is a pretty good example of it

Sure I’ll go do that.

in response to “wrecked”:
“Arguing with idiots is like playing chess with a pigeon… No matter how good you are, the bird is going to sh*t on the board and strut around like it won anyway”

I don’t see your pieces though, they’re all missing. Just wait a moment until I make the poll.

ok, what pieces?
EDIT: I am arguing that it would not be healthy for the game for bastion to be meta. I am not dismissing your claim, but your two arguements have fallen victim to logical fallacies.
Please keep in mind the potential bias involved in surveying when you do it
20 char

I don’t want him meta I want him not F tier.

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It is ok for Widow and Tracer to be cheese that only works in extremely specific situations and should otherwise be useless for average gameplay.

Prove me wrong without undoing your comments on bastion.

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This Zarya guy is probabaly salty because on the off chance he runs into a Bastion his bubbles are rendered useless for protecting teammates and only useful for charge

Also bastion needs some love… don’t think I’ve ever seen someone play bastion serioulsy at my rank unless it’s on junkertown attack…and even then it’s rare with how storm arrows shut down bastion atm amd hanzo is hardcore meta

This is actually the strawman logical fallacy. I never commented on whether widow or tracer were cheese.
By saying “prove me wrong” you are commiting the burden of proof logical fallacy
I think that widow is pretty cheese (unfun) because I can’t do anything, same about good tracers but she is up rn with brig so its good

Bastion can be a really good hero in FFA if you know what you’re doing. I’ve played him several times and caused LOTS of players to tilt. :stuck_out_tongue:

Here: https://www.strawpoll.me/15802312

Ok, how are you planning to administer the survey?

I put it on the 3k Bastion thread and I also put it on the front page. I can’t think of anywhere else to put it to get more exposure, do you know how?

It’s also here I guess