I hate Ana's bullet now

Please revert I’ll buy a loot box or something

EDIT: I originally made this topic because I don’t like the Ana change regarding her piercing bullet (not sure what to call it or if that’s the correct term). I’m allowed to dislike it. I know this might be a huge shocking revelation for most of you, but people are allowed to have different opinions on things. My opening post was cheeky. There were no other Ana topics at the time which is why I went ahead and made mine.

I made a remark later on that I thought accuracy stats for all Ana players would drop with this change (and they will because a lot of us are used to spamming tanks. You might not play that way, that’s cool, some people do.) I was only making a comment because I thought it would affect MMR/SR.

I’ve said a lot of other things on this topic, but for some reason people decided to take the remark about accuracy I made and twist it into something else. It’s a shame, really, that this toxic community can’t try and grow up even the slightest.

Some people like changes that are made to heroes. Some people don’t. Everyone, regardless of their opinion, should be allowed to voice it on these forums. If you disagree or feel someone is wrong why can’t you just calmly discuss it or explain why you feel that way? Telling people they are trash or attacking them for no reason is so stupid and counter productive.

Some people pointed out some of the pro’s to the new Ana bullet and I’ve applied these things to my playstyle and it’s made me like it a little bit more. I still prefer the old way, but because some players could rationally show me another perspective, it’s made a world of difference.

So maybe in the future everyone could just try to be a little more polite, a little more kind, and a little less toxic.


Why do you hate them?

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probably bc its a literal nerf to anna disguised as a buff


Go play with it. :confused: It’s terrible.


I can’t I’m at college and after that I’ll be at work. What’s wrong with the bullets? You have 14 of them and can shoot through full health allies.

I main Ana so I’m concerned lol


Everytime I switch mains to learn something new I get nerfed to the moon. It’s getting old. This seems like such a stupid change. If I wanted to heal someone behind the person I’m aiming at… I’d do it?

Sometimes I’d like to pocket a tank or a widowmaker so they stay alive. Now those shots are useless a lot of the time so my accuracy stat’s going to tank. So now I’m not going to pocket people and neither are a lot of other Ana players. On top of that it really just throws you off having your bullets miss all the time? Perhaps that sensation will wear off with time and I’ll get used to the change, but right now it seems utterly pointless and actually frustratining. @_@

Don’t shoot your allies until they’re close to death basically.
If you shoot them pre-emptively, it’s a wasted bullet and you’re killing your accuracy stat. More ways to drop SR wheeeeeeeeee~

Also, off topic but I’m tired of my sleep dart originating from my legs? If I jump over a ledge and fire it, it hits the ledge even though my crosshair is well above the ledge. I’ve noticed this with other heroes and even in other games. Why do some projectiles literally not fly out of your gun? @_@


shooting through allies ruins the fundamental properties of her kit being pre healing


i dont noticed it either way, but regardless. It wasn’t a buff or nerf. It was just dumb. The mag increase is nice but Ana still trash. Mercy unlimited mobility and autoaim heals with zero risk. Will still be 1. Moria auto aim and damage output with way better survivability than ana. Still be chosen over her.


You worded it better than me. xD

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Moira doesn’t have autoaim.


LOL. Please tell me you’re joking


Her damage is autoaim and heals are aoe. Orbs that attracts to damage or healing. Auto aim


In what way?


I’m not. Assuming he is referring to her right click, it does not have any auto aim at all.


What in the world is an autoaim ?

Like the cursor has life of it’s own or something ?


I imagine they’re referring to the common myth that her RMB has “softlock” similar to symmetra’s beam, but it does not.


Oh, I was thinking that this would be a buff. Often times when I’m at a choke healing I’m in the back and the tanks will block someone I’m trying to heal. You’re probably right though, it will take some time getting used to seeing my accuracy stat drop lol

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Complain so they have to learn a hero again because she was changes slightly… welcome to a mercy players life for 8 month so of mercy Meta

Ana mains you wanted a buff and a change that would help ana be more prominent and here’s it is so quit your complaining.

Honestly you’re almost as worse as dps players


More reasons to play Mercy over Ana. Mercy can still pre-heal with her beam on a target. Ana cannot even though her heal is a heal over time and pre-healing is, or was, an integral part of her kit.


People finish games at 70%+ accuracy

it may not lock on but it definitely “assists” you and is no challenge to keep on

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