I guessed it: Moira was next after Mercy

Ana heals for 90 hps
With grenade 135 hps for 4 seconds
The grenade burst heals for 100 health, So the first shot after grenade is a burst of 212.5 hp

Moira only comes close to that if the orb sticks around on one person as she is healing them and it doesn’t move away, is deleted by DM, or deflected.

Also it’s not instant like the Ana combo; there is no sudden burst of health. A Reaper or a quick Junkrat can null Moira’s healing where it’s harder on Ana’s


It is not even that Moira can stand up flankers.

They slowed down Mercy’s GA because she could escape. Moira has the best escape in the game.

They toned down Lucio’s heal circle because he could do too much and heal to large a radius. Moira’s spray and orb give her the best range on heals in game, other than Ana, who you have to be mechanically good with.

They killed Ana because she empowered the triple tank. Welp… Moira does it better.

Moira’s range on her “chip damage” is 21 meters, has no ammo so it can be spam held and does not affect her healing to use, IE there is no pause between her swapping from that to her spray or orbs.

Moira’s ult does good to excellent damage and healing, which makes it above average. It is also the most visual and audio clutter in the game, masking any other sounds of enemy ults being used. She also gets an insane movement buff from it.

I HATE that supports are getting gutted, but don’t pretend Moira is balanced please


When in reality: Meanwhile, Mercy swoops in, tries to perform her single 1 man rez, but is halted in slow-motion purgatory for 2+ seconds, and is killed off before she can actually do so. Rinse and repeat for 90% of the time you try to “swoop in and res” with “one of the best utilities in the game.”

“This was a huge success”

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Two things I think are a bit off with Moira is the range on her unlimited ammo lock on damage beam. If they toned back the range it would seem less oppressive. The damage orb also seems to have a longish duration too.

Pick any character that’s viable, and there’ll be tons of people saying (s)he is too powerful and needs to be nerfed.

My theory is, at some point everybody will be nerfed and the overall plateau will lower on all characters because of it, and then further nerfs will be needed because in the context of the new lower plateau some of the nerfed characters are too powerful in comparison to the other nerfed characters, and so on and so forth. Like a downward spiral of nerfing. Which will end in Soldier 76 wielding a nerf gun whose nerf balls fall to the ground 10 feet from him and Widowmaker will be taking sniper shots with a Super Soaker filled with warm flat beer.

Okay, as you guys can clearly see, I really need a little coffee. Or a lot of alcohol. :slight_smile:


What they haven’t nerfed her?
I am confused what your complaint is about


Would she be more fun if she had a sleep dart and a grenade? Or a heal orb and a debuff orb?

She has a movement ability, heal, damage boost, a passive ability and rez. That is a lot more than most heroes.

So how is Zen more fun than Mercy.


He didn’t force anything, he doesn’t pull any strings at Blizzard, he is merely a YouTuber that creates Overwatch content.

People have called for Moira nerfs since the day she was released.


Both her healing orb and damage orb have the same duration.

Her range is 100% fine given the fact that no other healer NEEDS to damage others in order to continue putting out heals. I can see a range nerf if they remove the resource meter and allow her to heal indefinitely like the other healers.


Though its true that there has been an uproar for moira nerfs, it’s not gonna happen. She’s perfectly balanced so don’t worry about her.


You’re still playing right? The character you love is basically bottom of the barrel tier and you haven’t quit right? This is exactly what I mean, you are someone who actually cares about the health of the game and aren’t just whining that their overpowered 100% pickrate character got nerfed so you’re taking your ball and going home.

Look at my profile, Ana was my original main, hate the position she’s been in for what seems like the longest time, but I like the game Overwatch in general. I’ve taken up Tracer and Moira is now my support of choice. If both of these characters were nerfed the show would go on for me. This is the way it is for most people.

Supports and tanks literally control the meta and have the biggest impact on balance. I don’t feel like Moira should be nerfed(I can see them doing small changes like lowering her self heal from biotic grasp) but even if they did I wouldn’t quit the game over it.

This Mercy vs the world and scapegoating supports is just old and tired now. So I’ll repeat if people like the OP can only play Mercy and refuse to play the game because she is not in the exact state they want her to be in then they didn’t care about the overall health of the game or balance, just their own character and selfishness.


People mostly complain about how Moira is too good at killing dps characters, because of her no aim right click…
So no, that analogy makes absolutely no sense.


To me Moira is like Mercy like all the other support heroes. They designed them into a corner so to speak and it’s hard to back them out of it. Meaning that any changes to them can wreck them. They tried reworking Mercy’s corner (rez) and ended up trashing her.

Moira heal is a spray, so having that unlimited would be one issue. Her long range on damage annoys many. So if they do go to change her, any change will likely break her to some extent because of how in a corner she is, like Mercy was.

Mercy is now just a heal bot and that is the result of trying to take her out of her ‘corner.’


Zen only heals for 30hp/second with his orb, which can only heal one at a time.
Ana does thrice that amount with one shot, that fires at 1.2 rounds per second.
Ana with that healing combo with grenade heals for 212,5 as you said - with the only cooldown being her 'nade, Zen does 300/second with his ultimate.

Ana has ‘unlimited’ range
Zen has small ult radius and only 40m range on healing orb

Ana has one of the smallest hitboxes in game
Zen has a big and circular hitbox, only a bit smaller than Roadhog

Ana has a sleep dart for protection
Zen has regenerative health* (150 Shield) but dies to any dive without other protection.
Moira has excellent disengage, can heal herself and team fast with orbs, and has a BIG healing on her primary fire, that can hit multiple targets in a cone. And regarding the notion that Moira cant deal with flankers - there is a reason she is one of the heroes with the biggest win rate in FFA, she is incredibly good at killing DPS heroes.

Now, who is a “bad”, “unplayable” or “over-nerfed” Support?

It ain’t Moira, I’ll tell you that.

'Coughing in Quad-tank Moira-Lucio being the Meta because she is literally too good’


They need to buff supports to be inline with the Moira plateau. Tanks will feel much more playable even with the DPS power creep if their supports can functionally keep them alive.


Oh honey. Believe me, nothing is clouding my mind. I know exactly the vitriol and hatred he spewed towards Mercy.

Just because you are uninformed doesn’t mean others are equally uninformed.


The best support is always a must pick, just for the fact that you need sustain.


I can’t believe this is such a tough concept to grasp lol


You gotta become a Widow main. At least then if you lose, you would have had fun playing, as opposed to playing a support, getting dove all the time while being ignored by your team who scattered in all different directions to fight 1v1s, then logging off and seeing people on Reddit complain about how OP you are.


Try playing Zenyatta, ain’t nothing more satisfying than instabursting a DPS or rivaling support with a charged wolley.