I guess I won't be flagging any posts

Continuing the discussion from [Inappropriate use of the Flagging Feature](can not post links or there would be a link here):

Well it looks like some people have been causing trouble I see. Not unusual this day and age I am afraid. Unfortunately this leads us to the post above, where using the flag feature to police the forums is essentially a game of Russian Roulette where I risk getting my own account suspended for trying to help.

I only flag posts that I believe to be malicious in nature, but if my own account is at risk of being punished I just won’t use it at all. I’m sure some people will tell me that as long as I am not abusing it I should be fine, but I was literally banned from the forums for a week for saying “bye” so I don’t have much faith that I will never catch a mod having a bad day and end up with a suspension.

I wish you mods the best of luck policing your forums, as I will not be assisting you. Take care.


Having actually got a small ban for someone being a little touchy (my offending remark was literally “Try again”), it really seems to be a crap shoot, so any level of standardization is welcome i guess


This should have been obvious from miles off as soon as Blizzard launched a forum platform with no downvote. Sad, really.



I’ll be honest I was not expecting people over react and skew this comment as well.

Like, I can understand people freaking out that they’ll get banned for making a mean comment on Facebook or for saying a voice line one single time in game, as unreasonable as that outrage was.

But expecting a ban for simply using a policing feature appropriately?

That’s… new.


Shouldn’t there be a flag limit similar to the “Like” limit(s) we now have?


I’m only hoping Blizzard continues to improve the forums instead of doing that and then leaving us with what’s left

There’s still of flaws with this forums and bugs on the mobile version of the site. But I’m contemplating whether should I post it because I wouldn’t want to waste time typing it up


The mods on this forum are extremely strict. I’ve already been banned for 3 days for typing “get flagged lul” to a known troll who’s post had already been actually flagged and hidden by the rest of the community. I even tried contesting it, but they gave the usualy copy/paste “no” response lol.

So yeah, i agree with you. I’m gonna stop using it as well.


You sound like you might be thee type of person to abuse a flagging feature so i think them saying this is fine


You are only to FLAG post that VIOLATE the code of Conduct prd. If you are upset because he or she hurt your feelings about an Opinion than boohoo. There are 100 more post to look at.


I got a ban for saying “use facts” so… blizzard police will definitely ban you for pretty much anything.


If users misuse this feature they deserve a suspension.

Salty people flagging because they’re having a ‘moment.’ Pfft.


You can get 3 day ban for making fun of stupid posts as well.

Apparently I have to use constructive criticism against all kinds of BS. They should bring downvotes back.


Or at least punish said posts, first and foremost

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I agree. I don’t think I’ll be flagging anymore because how do we know what they consider an “acceptable flag” or not? I’m actually worried because I used the flagging feature today on what I thought were some posts that deserved to be flagged. But it’s not worth the risk and I won’t be doing it anymore.


I’ve definitely had my fair share of posts edited by mods. Not once have I been suspended.

They’re certainly more lenient than people give them credit for.


“They” didn’t take down votes away.

They swapped over to a different forum system- known as discourse. They didn’t intentionally omit downvotes as they didn’t design the software we’re using now for our forums.

Discourse themselves doesn’t have downvotes because they don’t agree with the concept. It was intentional because they want people to discuss things on Their discussion forum- not just leave a vague red negative mark. If you dislike something, they want you to say it and hopefully explain why.

Just some food for thought.


i’m not worried at all. I only flag posts that need to be flagged.


How do we know what they consider an acceptable flag?


common sense. if i flag a post it’s because it’s inappropriate not because i don’t like it.


I am glad they are doing something about it.

If I recieve a punishment I hope it is not for long since I have been abused by it and felt like they were doing nothing about it. I have not done it as frequently as others and no longer plan to continue to using the feature this way.