I gotta say the Devs did listen

Preach! That totally solidified it for me

They listened to the easiest, bare-minimum effort suggestions the forums made. Literally nothing else.

Ha I’m fine with recognizing things people like in the gaming and showing blizzard appreciation. But, a lot of the posts are creating a divide where blizzard is amazing and. Community is bad which I don’t agree with.

You don’t need to portmanteau everything.

Blizzard isn’t perfect but I think this community has a real problem with blowing little things out of proportion, overlooking the many high-quality aspects of the game, and focusing on negatives. Now, that’s not unique to any gaming community. Most game forums are used as complaint departments. I think we have the unique issue of people being strongly attached to individual heroes and taking changes to them personally instead of objectively viewing heroes as tools to be changed out as necessary.

this was just put up today…confirmation they do read what we put on here (its time stamped - or at least it should be…61 secs)


The job position for making new skins and the job position for developers are two totally different things. The artists at Blizzard listened to you, not the devs.

If all people can think of are negatives, then shouldn’t people have some kind of wake up call? And when I mean people, I mean Bli$$ard. Oh that’s right, OWL is more important - making money is more important than allowing majority of the people that play this game to have fun.

Honestly though, everything has come up for D.va at one point or another. If they deleted D.va from the game you could say “Look the devs listened!”

Um Goldlantern isn’t talking about how much of the suggestions Blizzard listens to from the community.

He is saying that less than 1% of the communities ideas and suggestions are not good. 99% of the stuff in here, reddit, YT comments, anywhere is not useful because there isn’t enough content.

Most of it is ‘fix this, fix that’ or ‘blizz doesn’t know there own game’, etc.


99.999483727777% of the stuff on Overwatch balance across the entire Internet is not meaningful. It does give blizzard a litmus test though, and they do take all the aggregate information together to get a feel of the community’s response to the game.

Stopped reading here.

Thanks for reading to the end then. :rofl:

Blizzard wants more people to play their game. More people want to play a game that’s good. Nobody would want to watch an esport league for a game they thought was bad. OWL can’t be important and make money without the game being good. It makes no sense to claim that Blizzard wants to make money instead of making a good game because those things go hand-in-hand in this case.

Wtf… its just playing the game normally and having the chance to get event skins instead of duplicates.
Also you get a free lootbox for login.

You could not be more wrong. They’ve fixed so many things in the past year!

Heavy disagree

And yet, there are many issues the game has had since the LAUNCH OF THE GAME that people have been pointing out for years without so much as an acknowledgement from the team. There hasn’t been much communication and there’s a complete lack of transparency.

You could not be more wrong.

Not at all there are some good ideas. 99% of them are total garbage though

The devs have done a stellar job the past year. According to many popular voices in the Overwatch circles, the game is in its most balanced state it’s ever been in. And between the workshop, arcade, and different versions of QP and comp, we’ve never had so many options on how to play the game. We even have convenient while you wait features to make queue times more enjoyable.

I am not the one who’s wrong. Name something “since launch” that’s still wrong with the game. Straight from you, Byzantine. Prove how wrong I am about the developers doing a great job the past year.

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Still waiting for swordsman Genji

“Me too, kid” (incredibles reference, please don’t hurt me forum people)