I give up on the lore

I totally see the logic, monks & all; but I feel the sentence in which Zen calls him his brother makes way more sense in context to mean familial brother. In the sentence, it would make more sense or be more normal to refer to him by his name. Don’t monks more-so refer directly to each other as brother, rather than when they are not present? (Not denying what you’ve said mind :slight_smile: )
I also always saw them as Omnics first, monks second, so hearing brother immediately triggered the first connection.

Ah but that’s what I mean; it would’ve been far more interesting to learn how they can be actually related or if they even can view each other as genuine brothers. It’s a very human thing that (before now) gave some pause as to exactly how Omnics see themselves, each other & humans.

They can still see each other as family of course, I’d imagine they do. But I was interested in the idea that they actually were family; possibly even being from the same Omnium makes you related through coding or something of the like. That gives way more scope for speculation as to what exactly they all are :smiley:

I think it’s clear that Overwatch will never be a PvE game, but I don’t think that’s a bad thing. I’d rather have Blizzard focus on the core game than devote massive resources to a campaign/co-op mode or something like that.

To reiterate my earlier point, I see Overwatch as character-driven, not plot-driven. I think the writing team should be focused more on fleshing out characters (which is the focus of the majority of lore released thus far) and less on the progression of the world and plot itself.

But they aren’t doing that either. The game hasn’t even received a new main mode since release and no need to mention the attention that comp gets (which is none).

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I actually had a great uncle who was a Franciscan monk, and at least whenever I was present to see him interact with other monks, they referred to each other as “Brother _____”. Not sure what that’s worth, but I thought I’d mention it anyway.

Back to the topic at hand, I don’t think there’s any reason to feel like the clarification about Tekhartha being an honorific should lessen Zenyatta/Mondatta’s bond, nor should the way they refer to each other as “brother”.

The teachings of the Shambali are based on the epiphany that omnics are not just machines with artificial intelligence, but beings with souls. I imagine any omnic that subscribes to this mode of thought would see all other omnics as brothers/sisters.

In that sense, I think all this only deepens the bond. To say that only omnics from the same omnium should call one another brother/sister would sort of cheapen the main tenets that the Shambali preach.

…Seriously though, all this talk about Zenyatta, Mondatta, the Shambali, and so on just makes me want more Zen lore. I’m totally not biased, though.

My profile is bugged, I swear.

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I disagree. I know the vast majority of participants on these forums are critical (if not outright hateful) of the game, but I think it’s disingenuous to say that Blizzard isn’t focusing on the core game.

We’ve had a steady flow of new heroes, maps, redesigns, and balance tweaks since launch. Not every decision made has been without flaws, but I just can’t take someone saying “Blizzard doesn’t care” seriously.

Really, all it is is wasted potential.

Blizzard bothered to flesh out their characters and backstory, and then did virtually nothing to follow up on that. While the writing quality certainly isn’t great, what definitely IS great is the quality of the voice acting and the character design. Blizzard still does character design better than anyone else in the industry, and it isn’t even close.

The long and short is that Blizzard isn’t playing towards their strengths, and their game is suffering for it. Instead of doing what they do best, they’re trying to make Overwatch into something that it isn’t, throwing away all of the potential that the base game had.

They are focusing on the wrong things. Why do we need all these arcade modes that no one asked for? I wouldn’t mind if they were good but they aren’t.

New maps and heroes are all fine but the maps gets lost in the jungle of other maps and the new heroes does more damage than making the game better.

A lot of people love the arcade, and while there are players like you who hate it and players like me who only occasionally mess around in there, these are modes that provide a lot of entertaining gameplay for the community.

Also, I don’t think it’s even remotely accurate to say that Blizzard is focusing on arcade modes. We get the occasional new mode every so often (usually a few each year), and most of them are just slight tweaks and twists to the core game. Mystery Heroes, Low Gravity, Total Mayhem, etc. These can be incredibly entertaining modes that don’t require a lot of resources to implement.

As for new maps being “lost in the jungle of other maps” and “new heroes doing more damage than making the game better”, I’m not really sure what is meant by the former, and the latter is very subjective.

I think it was just a big mistep by Blizz to hype up “lore” as one of the main selling points of this game.

(It’s like TF2 and their still incomplete comic…something that has been in the works for 5 years and the last update was last January,)


My drunk uncle has more lore than Overwatch.

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This is the best way I’ve seen this put. I think people who get really attached to certain heroes expect to see them more fleshed out, but the reality is that this is a multiplayer-driven game. Nobody expected Team Fortress to have in-depth storylines, for example, and that’s almost exactly the style of game Overwatch is. I’m glad we have interesting heroes that get people into the game, but it’s really never going to be story-driven even a little bit and that’s fine. It’s all about the competition and the heroes are just a small part of that.

Yeah that’s the only way I’d seen it used, in direct conversation, not as a referral to someone indirectly. But it obviously could be, no sweat.
It was just the way that Zen said “My brother, Mondatta…” in that one interaction that made it sound to me that it was phrased particularly so as to convey the familial link, especially as it was an indirect referral; but with a few other things it does make more sense as to what it actually is.
Also, you’ve now enlightened me as to what the case actually is xD.

I was going to come back to you & say basically that, that despite what it actually means or its application within the Shambali Order, Zen means it as an analogue for a familial bond & views other Omnics & especially Mondatta as such, despite their lack of relation. & yeah that’s an even deeper bond, no doubt, I’m not arguing that xD.

He refers to the Shambali on Nepal as “brothers & sisters” which suggests the use of the formal terminology but also his relationship to them, which I took from it initially as it is. But…
I just didn’t know what the terminology was referring to exactly in every instance (the Shambali, Omnics in general, particular Omnics due to actual relation etc.) which made me wonder what it could be in each scenario & what it would mean if those things were the case.
So yeah :slight_smile: I wasn’t trying to take anything away from it, it was merely the interpretations/theories I had on what it meant interfering with the actual facts.

I was only looking at the Omnium familial link as a plot thread to focus on a potential flaw of their composition, an odd analogue to humanity or an anomalous quality that provokes further questions & exposition into what Omnics actually are.
I didn’t know what the actual definition being used was so I was open to any ideas, I definitely wasn’t trying to say that any one should be the case sorry :slight_smile:

I meant more that they would do so, rather than they should. & from this we would unveil more about how Omnics definitively work or how they perceive themselves. That was one possible way forward that now doesn’t exist & that’s fine :slight_smile:

& yes I agree on the idea clashing with the beliefs of the Shambali, but that too could have been a moral or existential conflict for Omnics to contend with so I was open to it being the case, despite what I also believe Omnics to be.
However, there could be some Omnics that don’t agree with us!

The idea of Omnics being unique beings with souls still works if Omnics are related, but it brings other things into question as well; ultimately it doesn’t lessen anything to me.
The Shambali teachings especially wouldn’t be lessened if this were the case; they are then looking even beyond the fundamental bases & behaviours of their existence & seeing all Omnics as one; which they would all still have the potential to be.
But obviously, it seems this isn’t the case so this doesn’t matter xD

I am totally with you now as of the confirmed knowledge of their actual relation & it makes all his other voice lines make sense.
He directly refers to Orisa as “my sister” which made me ponder on the meaning he ascribed to the word before now, I just had always thought the idea of genuine relation was actually quite interesting; with Zen’s ability to use the word in a greater context being even further substance to his character.

So yes, more lore would be lovely, especially for the Omnics :slight_smile:

It’s funny how something as simple as Zen’s usage of “brother” and “sister” can highlight so many interesting ideas. The way I see it, it can be interpreted in two ways (not mutually exclusive in the slightest).

The first is what we’ve been talking about already: as monks/nuns would use it to address other monks/nuns of the same faith.

The second is how a revolutionary or an activist might use them to address those fighting for the same cause.

With that in mind, both of these interpretations highlight a key aspect of the “omnic experience”. Their spirituality has only just awakened, and wrapping their metal heads around something like the idea of a soul would be no small task. In addition, omnics have been brutally oppressed and are fighting for equality and recognition in the world at large.

In that sense, omnics calling one another “brother” or “sister” is their way of sharing that experience, both as beings with souls and an oppressed class struggling for equality.

…I really need more omnic lore. The Widow/Tracer/Mondatta short was such a great introduction to these concepts, but I think it’s clear that there’s a lot of room for elaboration.


The sad thing is, I’d probably be happy with the state of the game and lore if the 3 campaign modes (Uprising, Retribution, Junkenstein) that they released were available to play all the time.

Even if I had to purchase each mode as an expansion and could only play with AI due to unpopularity. I loved those game modes. They were significantly better for practicing characters and added incredible depth to the story for the characters who were part of the default mode.

That shared experience idea is sweet :slight_smile: quite similar to some things in real life too.
You could even look at it in the manner that they do see each other as some kind of family, a family founded on their shared experiences & fundamentals.
This could also be a way of them trying to understand the world & their experiences, by condensing such a broad concept as all Omnics (each with their own individuality) into an environment or network of care & understanding that helps them feel more at ease with what they are, how they view themselves & each other & how the world also views them.

May the Iris embrace you my friend.
And when it does, you will find yourself already embracing it in return.
For we are all one within the Iris.

Or get the voice actors in to add some more interactive lines.

Put more newspapers ingame on the ground.

Add more photos in OW HQ.

Have one of the many monitors actually playing some footage of events happening or events that have happened.

I feel like the only thing we’re getting lately are sprays.

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Definitely. It’s like calling someone your “brother from another mother” or your “sister from another mister”.

Sadly, “omnic from another omnium” doesn’t roll off the tongue quite as well.

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I dunno, I kinda like it xD

How about bot from another batch? Bit cruder but there’ll be some Omnics who are happy to go this route. Think Lynx 17, SUPER socially aware that they’re a machine, acknowledges it but also is definitively themselves & won’t have you think that them being a machine denies them anything.

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Automaton from another robot-mom?

I give up.

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Not lore exactly, but this might whet your appetite a little. :slight_smile:
I made hero kit concepts for Maximillien & Lynx 17 recently if you’d like to check them out?