I get the 6V6 Hate now

With the Removal of Mei’s Freeze, Cassidy’s Flashbang, Brigitte’s Shield-Bash and Doomfist’s Uppercut (but not Ana’s Sleep Dart for some reason), plus the amount of Tanks being Halved as is, adding another Tank back wouldn’t even bring CC back up to where it used to be.

Plus, having 2 Tanks means that the CC can be Split 50/50 between them anyway.

Even with the Minisucle Addition of 1 Tank’s Stuns, the Debuffs, Boops and Stuns Collectively Received would be Far Lower for each Tank.

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My question to all the tank mains that so desperately want 6v6 back. Are y’all gonna main tank? Or are you just missing being fat dps in the off tank role?

I’ll Happily Play Reinhardt OR Zarya and either Clear House or Pocket my Duo.

I Can and Will Play Whatever, I just want to not be the Sole Centre of Attention.

They mean 1-3-3. I think Tank mains would just collectively give up.

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Unless Reinhardt has 3K Health, Double Walking Speed, Charge can go Through Walls and Fly and Fire-Strikes deal 300 Damage each, Tanks wouldn’t be Playable.

I’d still lose a 1V1 to a Moira though… :skull:

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Which is main tanking. Someone did a thread asking what you mained for those that want 6v6 back and a majority were off tanks. Going back to 6v6 doesn’t mean tanking gets better. It just means people go two off tanks most the time. Outside of double barrier it’s hard to get actual main tank mains to play that role. As of now in 5v5 all tanks are just tanks. Go back to 6v6 and majority instalock off tanks.

Well let’s be Honest here, how many Main Tanks do you see in 5V5? Does Orisa even Qualify now without her Shield?

At least you could have 2 Mains, 2 Offs or 1 each, instead of just 1 Off and Flats playing Reinhardt once a Blue Moon.

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Well there are no more off tanks. Just tanks.

There’s still Off and Main Tanks though, but Mains suck because they can’t Push the Objective as well and Offs suck because they can’t protect their Team as well.

If you Force every Tank to be good at Everything, without Giving them the Necessary GIGA BUFFS, you don’t have Main or Off Tanks, you have Punching Bags.

Zarya pretty much works with all of them.

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I don’t think I’ve heard the terms used since ow2 released. Unless discussing ow1 of course.

But playing main tank in OW1 was like being a punching bag. See the issue. Main tanking is unfun no matter the game. The issue is why increase to 6v6 just to have half the tanks be ingnored by most because the majority of tanks want to play fat dps role?

That’s because you don’t need to think about how many Mains or Offs they have, it’s just 1 Tank.

But they’re still Designed to be Main and Off Tanks.

Zarya with 7 bubbles would fix that problem.

And this problem, too.

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Is that because you’re viewing them with a ow1 standard?

Fair enough… Zarya pairs nicely with a lot of Tanks

Which is why having 2 Tanks should be in the game

But alas I don’t think that’ll happen


Yes, because out of the 12 Tanks, 7 of them were from Overwatch 1.

Orisa was Heavily Reworked and her Rework would’ve Fixed a lot of Overwatch 1’s Problems anyway, hence why I didn’t Count her as an Overwatch 1 Tank.

Doomfist’s Rework was Half-Made.

Junker Queen is an Off Tank.

Ramattra could probably be a Main Tank.

Mauga is an Off Tank.

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But what about Sigma???

Would he be a Main Tank or an Off-Tank???

Also D.Va would work with some of the newer Tanks… either as a Strengthener or Weakness covering (I can’t articulate what I want to say… sorry)

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Sigma was Considered Main.

At this point I’d agree with you

On another note… Imagine Sigma and Ramattra