I get the 6V6 Hate now

I’m Feeling the same way about Support Synergies as everyone else thought about Tank Synergies.

You couldn’t Burn Reinhardt’s Health as he Charged in because he had an Invincibility Bubble that is now Empowering his Backup.

You can’t Dive the Ana because she has 2 OP Cool-Downs and a Personal Body-Guard with a Shield, Knockback and Healing Aura.

Holy Crap, I get it now.

Though I will say that 4V4 is NOT the way to go, because then we’ll just have the DPS Complaining about not being able to 1V1 the OP Solo Tanks or Supports.


We could always try 7v7.




I thought the day would never come :laughing:

I didn’t hate 6v6, I enjoyed it to an extent while it was around, but it had way too many flaws to be sustainable.

Well Apparently the same can be said about 5V5, since we’re now having a Double-Support Problem.

Just adding a 3rd DPS to each Team would fix their Queue Times, let Tanks and Supports keep their Duos, probably even fix Shield and Heal Creep by adding another DPS, etc.


I don’t think there’s a “double support problem”

What might be happening is that supports utility/healing is too strong and needs nerfs beyond cooldown increases

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Add in some wacky rules to prevent triple sniper/triple flanker, and yeah, 7v7 would probably be the ideal format. Shortens dps queues, too. Tank players are under less stress because now they’ve got a second tank, so that’s a win too. Supports don’t have to constantly peel for everyone, so that’s a win too.

Something for everyone.


Well yes, but there’s ALSO the Double-Support Problem, because if one Support uses their Cool-Downs, the other one can use theirs.

You need to Track 4 Cool-Downs and that’s not even Including Ultimates, other Teammates or their Role Passive.

Yeah, as long as the 3 DPS don’t use their Collective 2 Braincells and all Simultaneously Dive One Character. LMAO.

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theres alot of baggage that comes with each kind of pvp group size. 5v5 makes playing tank like being a single mother with no help. but 6v6 makes tanks just better damage.

i think we should have an experimental 7v7 mode and try it out. see how it goes.


I YEARN for Another Experimental Patch…


Hate to say this, but just giving Brig back 250hp with a 300hp shield would probably be enough to prevent exactly that. Under 7v7, that probably wouldn’t be too strong thanks to the extra firepower a third dps brings.

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Nah, just Reduce her Healing Aura’s Range to be Closer to Lucio’s (it’s much bigger), then Buff everything else, like her Shield Health, Base Health and Damage.

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I’ve never really understood why it’s so large tbh. Just weird Blizzard things I guess.

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As many problems that 6v6 had, the mode was still fundamentally more sound than 5v5. Especially since in the move to 5v5, they clearly didn’t even attempt to try and balance the game for it, by leaving supports with all their busted abilities that would clearly just be used and spammed on tanks.

They removed some CC here and there (and added some back again later anyway) but literally nothing was prepped for the move to 5v5. 6v6 had fixable problems, 5v5 has problems that would require MULTIPLE massive reworks to certain heroes to even begin to function.

Also bringing up rein zarya (the most basic tank comp possible) as somehow a reason for 6v6 being bad is just awkward when rein zarya wasn’t even a meta tank lineup, and wasn’t for a WHILE.


It’s kind of insane that the biggest nerfs went to Lifeweaver meanwhile Kiriko got… an extra second cooldown on suzu

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Yeah, I loved Reinhardt + Zarya though and it’s the Most Iconic. Plus it’s the only one I could think of other than Double Shield off the Top of my Head.

Don’t forget Zenyatta’s Orb of Discord becoming Super Clunky and Ana Received a Whopping NOTHING Change to her Biotic Grenade.

I can only guess that the stats supported their decision but who knows :man_shrugging:

The Stats are Stupid then.

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Agreed, and a lot of the most common complaints since OW2 has launched can be linked directly to the move to 5v5.


Are you Agreeing or Disagreeing with them?