I get the 6V6 Hate now

6v6 is the best format


Based and Red Pilled.


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id love to try 7v7, 1 tank and 3 from each other roles

Ok, because you Started it off with Nope, then Back-Tracked?

:eye: :lips: :eye:

It would be 2-3-2.


Ah yes, the common forum 1v2 scenario where someone whines about not easily winning a 1v2 situation where the two supports burn all their cooldowns to survive.

The same situation where the person making both supports use all their cooldowns and focus on them, also conveniently doesn’t have a team that capitalizes on the other numbers advantage on top of the lack of support healing/utility…


Why not allow each
4V4- (2-1-1, 1-2-1, 1-1-2)
5V5- (2-2-1. 2-1-2, 1-2-2)
6V6- (2-2-2, 1-3-2, 1-2-3, 3-2-1, 4-1-1, 1-4-1, 1-1-4)
7V7- (2-3-2, 2-2-3, 3-2-2, 1-4-2, 4-2-1, 1-2-4, 1-5-1, 1-1-5, 5-1-1)

Just for the fun of it

:eye: :lips: :eye: Neuron Activated.

But in all Seriousness, having 1-2-1, 1-2-2, 2-2-2 and 2-3-2 be Actually Playable Game-Modes would be Great, though they’d have to Focus their Balance on only 1 and just Hope that the others don’t Implode.

If 7v7 isn’t just 14 Wintons doing Winton things, I’m not interested. :triumph::clap:

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Imagine Playing Roadhog, then 7 Winstons Land on you and Kill you Instantly from their Body Mass Alone.

How Embarrassing…


I know what I’m suggesting will be a nightmare to balance… but that’s what Non-Role Q was…

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Yeah, that could just be Open-Queue Varients of 4V4, 5V5, 6V6 and 7V7. But those Specific Match-Ups I said would Probably be Closer to the Role-Queue Format.

I think having Non-Role Q modes would be important to the health of the game

Think of a Tank partner for Ram, JQ, Orisa, and the new one (I can’t spell his name… LOL) how much fun would it be to play while trying to figure that out… or thinking of a Team Comp around all of that

I’d love to see a Mauga, Roadhog, Wrecking Ball and Junker Queen Comp just run in an Kill Everyone.

Throw in a Lucio and some Self-Sufficient DPS too.

See… that’s what I’m talking about… But if that is what becomes “meta” then it’ll get stale quite quickly

But that’s what fun about Non-Role Q modes are (even some of the Role Q modes)

Well Ana would EAT THAT COMP ALIVE! Plus Orisa can keep them all back, can’t be Overrun, Hooked, Knifed or Rolled Through. Ramattra might be good because of his Shield and Poke, same as Sigma, Provided they STAY AS FAR AWAY AS POSSIBLE AT ALL TIMES!

Then you can kill the Ana by charging her with the bubble of your second tank.


A lot of the issues people have with 5v5 would be worse with 6v6. Getting focused and lots of cc is something people complain about now. Add another tank and you’re getting extra focused by a full charge Zarya. Most of the CC exists in the tank role so that’s more CC being added. 5v5 is better for tanks in almost every way other than the teamwork/synergy aspect.

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Yeah, like how we all track both dps and the tank cooldowns. So hard. :neutral_face: