I get the 6V6 Hate now

this is pretty much my feelings
i liked it more, but i understand why it wasn’t sustainable without making the tank role insanely miserable

That didn’t answer my question. So you’re gonna become a main tank main?

Everyone loved tank synergies. Getting rid of tank synergies was one of the worst things they did to this game.

Tank tank flanker sniper miscDPS supp supp


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Nothing wrong with that composition. I’d take that any day over Tracer/Genji/Sombra all attacking the backline, or Hanzo/Widow/Ashe holding the spawn hostage.

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10 v 10. Ratios of teams will still be the same, and tanks get their synergies back.

In turn, everyone’s player model is scaled down by 1/2

I think it would be interesting forcing snipers and flankers into every team

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Honestly, this would have probably been the move.

2 tanks, 3 dps, 2 support.

The DPS could swap accordingly and burn down annoying tanks or you could have two dedicated DPS supporting the front line with one DPS as a flanker / sub-support or sub-tank.

But “it was too much work” >.>

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What would that be?
1 3 3
3 1 3
3 3 1
3 2 2
2 3 2
2 2 3?

2-3-2. Two tanks, three dps, two supports.


Yeah, that was 100% cope on Blizzard’s part.

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Not fully sure how well that would work we could make a work shop and try it

I just want to be able to understand your word capitalization selection process. It seems like madness.

the game could have been balanced properly to allow 6v6 to thrive, but alas here we are suffering the consequences of 5v5

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You should try it again. 6v6 is just better.

Yes… thanks for saying it

I appreciate it

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Not everyone. A lot of people actually didn’t like it.

The only way for 6v6 to work is to literally nerf healing, barriers and tank hp across the board. Thats the only possible way to actually enjoy 6v6 again.

True and true but like consider this…tank synergies were funny and heeheehaha.

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I think you don’t understand.

For a while 6v6 wasn’t the double shield meta bs. That and tanks were tuned up for 5v5 so playing ow2 vs like the first few years of OW1 before the giga-meta era of the game being abandoned by devs isn’t the memory of 6v6 for most of us original players.

6v6 was for a good amount of time a fun time where you just played what you wanted and zarya was horrible for a long time too. Orisa wasn’t A or S tier. It was just a lot different for a majority of the time.