It feels like they’re looking over your shoulder and silently judging you and everything you do.
Also its midnight and I can’t sleep.
It feels like they’re looking over your shoulder and silently judging you and everything you do.
Also its midnight and I can’t sleep.
I feel this so much
That’s cute xD
I mean I don’t judge, but if you don’t land your shots I’ll simply damage boost another target, the objective is to increase the value from the damage output and if you miss all of your shots it’s useless.
Me too
Whenever I get damage boosted on Pharah I go from landing 60 percent of my rockets to like, 30.
Performance anxiety is real lol
I’ve gotten used to it in most situations. My woman loves playing Mercy and I am typically the person being damage boosted on Reaper. Now when other Mercy’s do it, I sit here and become concerned that I’m gonna suck, so I do understand it.
I have this when Ana ults me lmao
I have to desperately activate Valkyrie and start shooting people
I question if I’m worth the time and commitment or if no one on our team has taken any damage and the Mercy just held down M2 for the fun of it.
Ughh dont even get me started on nano boost. If I don’t get a 6k by the time it’s over I’ll feel shame and like I just wasted a valuable ult
I hate being nano boosted as well I usually miss all my shots lol
As a Mercy player - I damage boost and look away to pay attention to everything else. Don’t worry - we’re probably not watching you lmao
Little off topic but I made this meme and I’m thinking about posting it to r/OverwatchMemes, should I do it?
to be honest when I play mercy I just damage boost a ton , I won’t remember if you did anything with it or not so just try your best. I’m personally not sitting there counting the damage ticks though sometimes I do find myself saying “EVEN I COULD HAVE HIT THAT.” but in general as long as you do anything at all all game idrc
to add on to this though , when we are damage boosting you it’s because we want you to use an ability like firestrike or helix , or because we see an opportunity to kill something
It used to bother me, but after running into a few trolls that wanted to just damage boost me, I am more used to it.
Lmao this is so true
Me before nano: Aight guys, so we gotta push through the left corridor to avoid spam and…
Gets nano’d: bOoStIooooo
Yes, I get heart attack when I get nano. It would be nice if there was an option to hide it from HUD
Since no one said it; yes, many of us watching, silently judging you. Harshly.
Happens to me with when I play support and there’s red crosses piling up.
Imagine how bad I feel when I fail a shatter block.
Same and i used it because i thought it would boost their morale but little did i know!
Usually i boost widow or any hitscan heroes in my Team and if they get many kills then Its activate pocket to death time! But if they cant then i just moved on.
Same and insomnia hours!!!
Same, add more pressure Mercy knowing when I miss or when I’m retreating and Ana ult me…“I guess I’m not retreating anymore”.