I get nervous whenever mercy's damage boost me

Don’t worry. They’ll just damage boost someone else if you are not up to the task, then all pressure will be gone and self disappointment will linger instead.


YA it also feels bad when you cannot hit shot and she stops boosting you and you will feel you are not worthy of it.


lmao same, i get hella cocky too sometimes, feel like a raid boss with a mercy pocket


To be honest, I hardly ever realize if I am being damage boosted as any character. The only effect I really notice is if I am being nano’d or a super charger went down.


I hate it when low plat Anas nano me when the rest of our team is dead and I’m gonna die anyway if I “get in there”. Then they call me trash. Lmao.

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Whenever my friend brags about hitting all those shots as Hanzo I quickly damage boost him for a few seconds and say “I don’t hear any hit markers? What’s up with that?”
It’s really funny to make him nervous like that, he always desperately tries to get a kill then and sometimes accidently suicides into the enemy team.


Mercy: “You gotta hit all those bullets or i’m gonna stuck this stick right up your bottom!!”


because that’s literally what we mercies do. unlike many heroes, pretty much the entirety of our contribution is gatekept by your (teammate’s) input. you not landing shots means damage boost is being wasted and that’s uptime contribution stripped away from the mercy’s input.

sorry to sound harsh but unfortunately that’s the brutal truth and hence why there’s been various threads to rework mercy to have more independent contribution.


Some might, but I don’t. I’m just looking for bonus ult charge off of damage boosting you and trying to help you get your own ult faster :blush:


You should. I 100% judge you. Every shot you miss while I am damage boosting you is basically you telling me “can’t you see, I am not landing shots, therefore you are being useless to the entire team”.


None of which happens when they don’t land shots. Sorry but it’s the truth. We judge dps that do not make use of our damage boost

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Hahaha, there’s no need to feel anxious. The pressure is on when Mercy chooses you as their desired DPS boost, especially since her kit is all about single-target support for the most part.

Just enjoy the boost and try and use it well!


I am uncomfortable with it as well, personally. Having a flying umbilical cord attached to me is a weird feeling.


Im always scared when i play sniper and mercy go to dmg boost me. I almost want to scream to her to not look at how i miss my shots and help someone useful on the team insted of me…


I do that a lot.

I damage boost dps, and I’m sat there, tapping my foot thinking

‘Ashe, where are the hit markers?’

You miss, I know. And I don’t forget.


I don’t look at you, I just wait for that “ding” sound from your shots hitting target.

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It’s true. If I don’t get anything from the dps I’m like I’m
Sorry I give up I’ll just boost the other dps and get something done. It’s so true I’m

N im very vocal about it. Some people r like why u damage boosting me… cuz no one needs healing so do something

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Imagine a 55% accuracy widow goes down to 35% after being identified by teammates as “carry” lul :sweat_smile:

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This as well as getting Nano Boosted always just give me anxiety. They expect me to do well, and then I screw up because there’s pressure. Sorry in advance Mercy and Ana mains…

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Oh there is so much judging.