I gave open queue a chance

You’re though. Any meaningful information but you aren’t providing any in this post to go off of.

How about both

They’re though. It brings nothing to this conversation. The convo was about open-queue. It has no correlation.

I did answer your before, but because you didn’t give me any meaningful information to go off of, I can’t continue on.

You are.

I could use this very own argument in my favor and it would work beautifully.

I’m not going to reply anymore though, since it’s too off-topic and you seem to want it to continue on. I’m more focused on Overwatch, not going off-topic.

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Have you heard of the Tu Quoque fallacy?

I’m assuming You have since you are accusing me of doing so.

But I’m actually not because I’m not using your argumentation or your own actions of not posting proof yourself on your own threads to justify me also not posting proof.

It’s called using your logic against you.

Also, I’m the last person in this “debate” to be called a hypocrite because I’m not the one who made the “no proof = it didn’t happen” claim first.

It’s my thread so you can easily escort yourself out if you don’t want to talk. I’m not forcing you here.

And neither does “if I can’t see it, it didn’t happen.”

I actually did. All of the information is in the thread.

And I guarantee if I posted all of the 21 matches (that I know 95% of people aren’t going to watch so there is no use in even going through that extra hoop), you wouldn’t watch all of them and still try and dance around arguing against my claims.


Yeah you could.

And guess what I could do? Do the same thing. I can hop in the forum time machine and scroll all the way back to your very first few threads and rip you apart on your own argumentation.

Okay fine. No one is forcing you to stay.

Whatever man. I went from replying to this topic with OW knowledge to having an argument that both sides have no say over. Good riddance!

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I thought you weren’t replying anymore

I like the idea of having an open queue because it removes certain kinds of stressors from role queue. IMO RQ is better suited for random teams of casual players.

Players can vote with their playtime and Blizzard can decide which modes are worthy to have their cards and where.

I hated it enough before RQ to avoid it altogether when it was added to Arcade.

In open queue the problems often appear at the beginning of the match (hero selection screen) and they are much more severe than in role queue. A bunch of extremely angry people spitting at each other… The average RQ match is much more civilised.

Implying that all but the best Lucios will actually be able to hit an airborne target…

This is what I like about the forums: people assume that the average player is capable of easily doing things that only the top 10% can do somewhat consistently.

This is why so many players admit defeat and dismiss an option before even attempting it.

Buddy, I’m a 3.9k/4k player…
My friends are 3.8k-4.3k.

My comment was about META, don’t pretend that META exists in lower elos because in 90% of situations, it doesn’t outside of scrims or 6stacks. :smiley:
That’s a fact.

Like… I literally have a disclaimer in that post:

Top 10% is Diamond.
Masters is Top 4% and GM is Top2%.