I finally realized their intention!

Dudes, calm down! I finally see the truth!

We aren’t supposed to play this game, you silly billy! This balance patch clearly is made for the OWL to nerf Goats, so we can enjoy OWL S2 even more! Boy, this is so exciting!

Tries not to cry

Cries a lot


Yep… the Devs really seem to hate the majority of their playerbase… if it’s different, I invite Daddy Jeff to bring up reasons why they love us and what they did to show it.

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and the best that players can do not to donate into this game at all

This balance patch will probably single handedly kill Bastion for good this time.

Just thought i’d let ya know.

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Luckily Reaper mains are not the majority. I have never felt so loved.

They probably forgot that most people aren’t pros, and that playing a walking ult battery fighting something you can’t fight back, and will even use you as a health pack isn’t very fun.

Honestly chibs I gotta disagree with you, I believe this armor change is a bigger buff to bastion than it is a nerf

Not only is it an armor change, It’s a buff to nearly everything else that counters him directly.

Basically it still means there’s no reason to play Bastion over Mccree or Reaper for close range dps output… THAT CAN WALK WHILE DEALING IT.

Yes its a buff to every dps hero and I think in terms of how much it buffs him vs nerfs him I think its a net buff

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Then all i’d say is to try and play him… That’s all i can tell ya.

Since i wont be anymore.

And i’ve been holding on for a long time.

Time to ditch Wrecking Ball for S76.

Who knows you might be right and this is a net nerf, but maybe your wrong and this is a net buff, at least try it on live before going full Bastion is worse than ever

Still just an opinion, but… It’s been years. I’m still waiting for a buff that doesn’t come with a slap in the face.

Correct me if I’m forgetting something but did the 33% reverse spread come with a slap in the face? I thought that was a good way of bridging the new and old spread together

Thats why i love arcade/costume games a lot. Most of the time they are fun and can be enjoyed A lot.

This is that slap in the face.
You can play more aggressively, but the glass part of your canon is a lot more fragile.

All in all, Bastion hasn’t been changed for the better without a direct nerf quickly after.

And i’m sick of it.

What does hanzo get?
A whole new movement ability and direct buff without anything to soften the blows of this new strength.

But no… lets not let the stationary target defend itself.

ALL I ask for, is headshots.
And maybe even an ammo reduction to make it FAIR For everyone.

I’m sorry but I just don’t see how, its nothing but a buff that brings back the old spread if you fire long enough

“If you fire long enough” Making him just as squishy and vulnerable when quickly attacked. Which you will always be quickly attacked…

Also like i said, this is the slap in the face.

Yea sure, your spread almost works now in some rare occasions… but you’re even more squishy. Did i mention you can’t move?

I’m sorry but I don’t think I’ll ever understand your reasoning about how its a slap in the face, maybe its because I never one tricked bastion, so lets just agree to disagree and leave it at that

Alright… Just saying. also i don’t “onetrick” anything… i’m a Bastion, Mccree, Widow main. Just… Bastion’s my first love, since day one.

I’ve been on the forums ever since the first major rework.
(which failed miserably)