I finally realized their intention!

you about to get the bandwagoners

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Wait I thought you were the one trick, I know there’s another popular forumer that one tricks bastion…

Well my profile is open… o.o

You all kept complaining how Bastion’s spread and armoured targets made his damage bad and unreliable.

Now his spread tightens, and armour will kinda suck, and therefore he’s dead?

You picked Bastion as your main knowing his playstyle.

Stationary glass cannon.
Now he should start moving?

Not sure what you want from that character, but it doesn’t sound like Bastion anymore.

This point seemed to go over your head… I mean he should be punishing up close, since others can move when in danger.

No we didn’t. We complained that his spread was a dinner plate, and he lacks the only thing all other hitscan dps have to punish those who get close.
